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Results 132611-132620 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have just had a that an English master of a Vessell here has a Set of American Papers. I shall try to them from him if I find it true, that he has them and Endeavour to find where he got them. My suspicions are that the English Vice-Consul who is a Catalan, may have furnish’d him with them or that he may have got them from Mills, as he is very intimate with him. It is late this afternoon...
I enclose you for your perusal, & satisfaction, the printed Extracts of the Genl. Assembly of the Presbyterian Church held in this City in May last; in the which you will observe the united testimony of said Church of the state of religion in their communion; this result is highly gratifying to the friends of piety in our connection, two thirds of whom are supporters of your administration—in...
Je prend la liberté de vous adresser la presente pour avoir Lhonneur de vous Saluer, je soite de tou mon cœur que monsieur Jouisse une parfaite Sentez de même que vôttre repectable famille mes Sivilités Sil vous plai, monsieur je vous prie Engrâce de vouloir Bien Macorder une petit apsence de trois Semainnes, pour me reffaire la Sentez. Je vien encorre de faire une maladit qu’il m’aprise le...
I had the honor of addressing you , some time ago on the subject of the Spanish claims, & sollicited the appointment as Commissioner under the treaty about to be entered into with Spain for the settlement of the same. The non ratification of the Treaty on the part of Spain, having precluded all possibility of redress for the present, & Finding myself owing a very large sum sunk in South...
I have the honor to inclose to you open for your perusal a letter which this Executive have addressed to William Pinkney Esquire, on the subject of the Bank Stock extending the powers formerly committed to him but confined to the case of Russell’s Representatives to other claimants &c. It will be necessary that this should receive your approbation, to give it a sanction under the Resolutions...
Had not an occasion offer’d wherein you will have it in your power to exercise the Philantrophy—I conceive you possess—tis certain you would never have been troubled with a line from an unfortunate man—who thus Boldly solicits the Illustrious President—for a Pardon— I am perfectly concious of my Incapability [in] making a Sufficient Appollogy for this Singular—Liberty—yet with confidence I...
I am favourd with your letter of the 31. ulto, for which I thank you. I find that efforts are making in the eastern states and in N. Jersey to form an opposition to the ratification of the convention with France—the ground taken is, that it will be impolitic to give 15 million of dollars, for that which will prove injurious to those states, by withdrawing their inhabitants and thusly giving...
Presuming that from the cession of Louisiana to the US: a number of offices will be in the gift of the Executive I take the liberty to mention my name—My Family is large and my means small when compared with the manner in which they have been educated—I was brought up to the Law, and would have practised still, had not imperious, (and I may say Republican) necessity forced me to stand a...
The late arrest of Colonel Thomas Butler , added to the novelty of the order upon which it is founded, has occasioned a number of the good citizens of this District to solicit me to state to you the real Charector and Conduct of the Colo. during his command within this State—This application Combined with a real desire of my own, that you should be acquainted with his Charector and conduct,...
I was favored about the middle of June with your letter of the 4th. May, with a remittence, in a bill on Messrs. Dupont de Nemours pere et fils & Co., for 2100 francs, to be invested in Wines, principally of the non-mosseux Champagne. Your predilection in favor the Wines raised formerly by Mr. Dorsay induced me to address myself to his family, he though living being ruined & insane. By his...