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Results 132611-132640 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have just had a that an English master of a Vessell here has a Set of American Papers. I shall...
I enclose you for your perusal, & satisfaction, the printed Extracts of the Genl. Assembly of the...
Je prend la liberté de vous adresser la presente pour avoir Lhonneur de vous Saluer, je soite de...
I had the honor of addressing you , some time ago on the subject of the Spanish claims, &...
I have the honor to inclose to you open for your perusal a letter which this Executive have...
Had not an occasion offer’d wherein you will have it in your power to exercise the Philantrophy—I...
I am favourd with your letter of the 31. ulto, for which I thank you. I find that efforts are...
Presuming that from the cession of Louisiana to the US: a number of offices will be in the gift...
The late arrest of Colonel Thomas Butler , added to the novelty of the order upon which it is...
I was favored about the middle of June with your letter of the 4th. May, with a remittence, in a...
Know all Men, by these Presents, that I John Adams of Quincy, in the County of Norfolk, in the...
If M. Dalbarton be really Jerome Bonaparte, he will have satisfied thereof the minister of his...
The success of our friend Mr Munroe in the late popular negociation has determined many of our...
Ca. 8 August 1803 . “As the Citizens of the United States support their Government their...
8 August 1803, Norfolk . Informs JM that “Hudson impressed by Capt. Douglas, of the British...
8 August 1803, Bristol . Has written already by “this conveyance” on 28 July . Adds a few more...
I have already written to you by this conveyance on the 28t. Ulto. and have now Merely to add a...
It is suggested to me (indirectly from the person himself) that Jerome Bonaparte is at Baltimore...
It is suggested to me (indirectly from the person himself) that Jerome Bonaparte is at Baltimore...
Having been absent from home about two weeks, the letter which you did me the honor to write on...
The feeble state of my health will but just permit me to acknowledge the rect. of the letter you...
If M. Dalbarton be really Jerome Bonaparte, he will have satisfied thereof the minister of his...
It is suggested to me (indirectly from the person himself) that Jerome Bonaparte is at Baltimore,...
9 August 1803, Falmouth . Encloses a list of American vessels arriving in his district from 1...
9 August 1803, Barcelona . “It appears to be Certain that the Tripoline Ship So long detaind in...
9 August 1803, Barcelona . “I have duly Rec’d your private favour of the 28 of May and altho the...
Enclosed is the list of American Shipping arrived in my district for the 6 Months ending the...
I did myself the Honor to address a line lately to your Excellency, Since the date thereof, the...
Mr. Monroe ayant eu la bonté depuis le 1er. Mai der de voulloir bien m’appointer pour vous...
Your friendly favor of the 1st. inst. is recieved with that welcome which always accompanies the...