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Results 132601-132650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
132601 Walsh, Robert Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Walsh Jr., 26 December … 1827-12-26 I pray you to believe that I would not add in the slightest degree to the labors with which you...
132602 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. From James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 28 December … 1827-12-28 Your favor of the 15th. was duly recd. I had previously learnt with the feelings due to the...
132603 Madison, James Walsh, Robert Jr. From James Madison to Robert Walsh Jr., 28 December … 1827-12-28 Inclosed is the promised paper. A more attentive perusal makes me to think I may have underrated...
132604 Madison, James Mason, George From James Madison to George Mason, 29 December 1827 1827-12-29 I am much obliged by your polite attention in sending me the Copies of the Remonstrance in behalf...
132605 Sparks, Jared Madison, James To James Madison from Jared Sparks, 29 December 1827 1827-12-29 As Col. Peyton left Boston unexpectedly he did not receive the parcel of letters, as you...
132606 Price, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Price, [ca. 31 December … 1827-12-31 From our former acquaintance, and Being a former Member of the Virginia Legislature With you some...
132607 Madison, James Long, George From James Madison to George Long, 4 January 1828 1828-01-04 Your letter of Monday last came to hand yesterday, and the same mail brought me the letter from...
132608 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Mann From James Madison to Thomas Mann Randolph, 4 January … 1828-01-04 J Madison presents his respects to Col: Randolph, & incloses a misdirected letter of Mr. Faulcon....
132609 Cocke, John Hartwell Madison, James To James Madison from John Hartwell Cocke, 4 January … 1828-01-04 I returned yesterday from Charlottesville, & hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your package,...
132610 Gilpin, Henry D. Madison, James To James Madison from Henry D. Gilpin, 4 January 1828 1828-01-04 I have to return you my thanks for the flattering letter I received from you, relative to my...
132611 Madison, James Brougham, Henry Peter From James Madison to Henry Peter Brougham, 5 January … 1828-01-05 Your letter of Ocr. 20. on the subject of Professor Long having met with delays, I had not the...
132612 Madison, James Sparks, Jared From James Madison to Jared Sparks, 5 January 1828 1828-01-05 I received two days ago your favour of Decr. 29. That of Augst. 25. came also safe to hand. I did...
132613 Madison, James Clay, Henry From James Madison to Henry Clay, 6 January 1828 1828-01-06 I have duly recd. the copy of your Address politely forwarded to me. Altho’ I have taken no part...
132614 Madison, James Visitors of the University of Virginia From James Madison to the Visitors of the University of … 1828-01-07 I have just recd. from Mr. Brougham a letter on the subject of Professor Long, a copy of which is...
132615 Madison, James Breckinridge, James From James Madison to James Breckinridge, 8 January … 1828-01-08 I have recd. yours of Decr. 23. The difficulty I fear will be as great as the importance of...
132616 Madison, James Cocke, John Hartwell From James Madison to John Hartwell Cocke, 10 January … 1828-01-10 The last mail brought me your letter of the 4th. inclosing one from Docr. Jones, with your...
132617 Madison, James Gilpin, Henry D. From James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 10 January 1828 1828-01-10 I have received yours of the 4th. inst: and am glad to learn that my communications of Ocr. last...
132618 Madison, James Price, William From James Madison to William Price, 10 January 1828 1828-01-10 I have recd. Sir, your letter without date, requesting a recommendation to the Government of...
132619 Madison, James Moore, Gabriel From James Madison to Gabriel Moore, 10 January 1828 1828-01-10 J.M. presents his respects to Mr. Moore & incloses an answer to Mr. W. Price which he requested...
132620 Verplanck, Gulian C. Madison, James To James Madison from Gulian C. Verplanck, 10 January … 1828-01-10 G. C. Verplanck presents his compliments to Mr Madison and requests his acceptance of a little...
132621 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, 11 January … 1828-01-11 My conscience has been reproaching me for some time past with my remissness towards you; and yet...
132622 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph C. Cabell, 12 January 1828 1828-01-12 Your favor of 28th ult has been duly received. I thank you for the facts in relation to the...
132623 Madison, James Allen, William From James Madison to William Allen, 14 January 1828 1828-01-14 Yours of the 8th. inst. stating the sales of my flour has been recd. It will now be convenient...
132624 Madison, James Gilpin, Henry D. From James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 14 January 1828 1828-01-14 Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of...
132625 Barbour, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Barbour, 14 January 1828 1828-01-14 It is with great reluctance that I have prevailed upon myself to address you—on the subject of...
132626 Madison, James Grimké, Thomas S. From James Madison to Thomas S. Grimké, 15 January 1828 1828-01-15 I return my thanks Sir for the copy of a Report on the question of reducing the Laws of S....
132627 Mercer, Hugh Madison, James To James Madison from Hugh Mercer, 17 January 1828 1828-01-17 My very high respect & esteem & personal attachment for you, make it my Duty to say, that a Day...
132628 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 18 January 1828 1828-01-18 I presume you have heard, that both of us, are plac’d on the electoral ticket, by the convention,...
132629 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, 18 January … 1828-01-18 I am utterly ashamed of myself for having kept you waiting so long for letters which you have,...
132630 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, [18 January … 1828-01-18 You will perceive in the accompanying paper, one of your ideas thrown into print. The origin of...
132631 Madison, James Cocke, John Hartwell From James Madison to John Hartwell Cocke, 19 January … 1828-01-19 The Proctor has communicated to me certain resolutions of the Faculty, which as he says he has...
132632 Madison, James Verplanck, Gulian C. From James Madison to Gulian C. Verplanck, 19 January … 1828-01-19 I have duly received, with your note of the 10th. the little volume entitled “The Talisman,” the...
132633 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James To James Madison from Reynolds Chapman, 21 January 1828 1828-01-21 I am very sorry that it will not be in my power to leave home tomorrow; but as it is desirable...
132634 Teackle, Littleton Dennis Madison, James To James Madison from Littleton Dennis Teackle, 21 … 1828-01-21 I take the Liberty of transmitting herewith, the first annual report of the Superintendent of...
132635 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 23 January 1828 1828-01-23 I recd. by the last mail yours of the 18th. You were not more surprized than I had a right to be...
132636 Lawrence, William Beach Madison, James To James Madison from William Beach Lawrence, 23 … 1828-01-23 In the letter, which I had the honour to address to you on the 29th. November, I mentioned that I...
132637 Madison, James Tucker, George From James Madison to George Tucker, 25 January 1828 1828-01-25 I have recd. your letter of the 20th. The view you give of the usefulness of Dr. Barbers Lectures...
132638 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. From James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 26 January … 1828-01-26 Your favours of the 18th have been duly recd. I am sorry you thought an apology necessary for the...
132639 Madison, James Lee, John H. Power of Attorney by James Madison and Nelly C. Willis … 1828-01-28 Know all men that we James Madison and Nelly C. Willis of the county of Orange and state of...
132640 Madison, James University of Virginia Bond, 28 January 1828 1828-01-28 The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia owe to Thomas Jefferson Randolph , Trustee...
132641 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 29 January 1828 1828-01-29 On the 24th of February I acknowleged your good letter of the 25th of the preceding November,...
132642 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 29 January 1828 1828-01-29 I have just receiv’d yours of the 23d., and by the same mail, a second, from Judge Brooke, the...
132643 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, 29 January … 1828-01-29 I have been expecting by every mail for a week past, an answer to a letter I wrote you on the...
132644 Madison, James Teackle, Littleton Dennis From James Madison to Littleton Dennis Teackle, 30 … 1828-01-30 I have recd. your favor of the 21st. covering a copy of your first Report to the Legislature of...
132645 Lawrence, William Beach Madison, James To James Madison from William Beach Lawrence, 30 … 1828-01-30 As supplementary to the testimonials in favour of Mr Ritchie, which I last week had the honour to...
132646 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, 30 January … 1828-01-30 To my great mortification, I learn this evening that Mr Randolph left Edge-hill after dinner, for...
132647 Cox, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Cox, 1 February 1828 1828-02-01 Your goodness will, I feel assured, pardon me for troubling you with this letter. Since your...
132648 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James To James Madison from Nicholas P. Trist, 1 February … 1828-02-01 The servant overtook Mr R. So that you received your tardy letters yesterday evening. I now send...
132649 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. From James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 4 February … 1828-02-04 Since mine of the 26. ult: which I hope got safe to hand, I have recd. yours of the 29th.: since...
132650 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 5 February 1828 1828-02-05 Yours of the 29th. Ult: was recd. by the last mail. I have not yet heard from Judge Brook, but...