From George Washington to Hugh Hughes, 24 April 1781
24 April 1781
It having been represented to me that the Quarter Master at Fishkill hath neither public or private Teams for the transportation of the salted Provisions now at & in the neighbourhood of that Place to the Army, & that he hath applied in vain to the Justices of that District for impress Warrants. And it being absolutely necessary in Order to prevent the greatest calamities & distresses that the said Provisions should be immediately forwarded to the Troops. Your are therefore Authorised and directed to impress by military force a sufficient number of Teams, for the transportation of the aforesaid Provisions, taking care that no abuses are committed, and that the Inhabitants are as little distrest by the measure as possible. And for so doing this shall be your Warrant—Given under my Hand at Head Qrs New Windsor this 24th day of April 1781.
DLC: Papers of George Washington.