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Results 132481-132510 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
132481 Power, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Power, 20 July 1803 … 1803-07-20 20 July 1803, Tenerife . Was authorized by McElroy to act as U.S. consul in his absence. Has...
132482 Auldjo, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Auldjo, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 On the 9th. of June I had the pleasure to receive the Laws passed at the last Sessions of...
132483 Lamson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Lamson, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 Since my last of the 4th. April, I am honored with your esteemed favor of the 22d. Feby. last, By...
132484 Power, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Power, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 In the absence of Mr. G. W. Mc.Elroy, who h a s authorized me to act as representative of the...
132485 Carr, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Carr, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 We arrived here on the 14th, all well, and found the accomodations on the road by Stevensburg,...
132486 du Pont de Nemours, Éleuthère Irénée Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Éleuthère Irénée du Pont de … 1803-07-20 Vous avez été prevenu par mon Pere que J’etais occupé d’etablir dans les Etats-Unis une grande...
132487 Clark, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 21 July 1803 1803-07-21 I inclose you a Copy of a Letter I have just had an Opportunity of forwarding to our Consul...
132488 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 21 July 1803 1803-07-21 I take the liberty of enclosing a letter from Mrs. Stuart , daughter to Blair McClennigan of...
132489 Page, Mann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mann Page, 21 July 1803 1803-07-21 The Cession of Louisiana having now taken place, & my Views leading me to a new Country where by...
132490 Adams, John Malcom, Samuel B. From John Adams to Samuel B. Malcom, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 I acknowledge with Sincere pleasure, the Receipt of a handsome and a friendly letter from you, of...
132491 Madison, James Robbins, Asher From James Madison to Asher Robbins, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 I have duly received your letter of the 1st. inst. respecting Captain Eldrids case. It is...
132492 Madison, James Thornton, Edward From James Madison to Edward Thornton, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 10th. and 12th. instant....
132493 Blount, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Blount, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 It has occurred to me that, in consequence of the existing War between Great Britain & France,...
132494 Lewis, Meriwether Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Meriwether Lewis, 22 July 1803 1803-07-22 Yours of the 11th. & 15th. Inst. were duly recieved, the former on the 18th. inst., the latter on...
132495 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 23 July 1803 … 1803-07-23 23 July 1803, Liverpool . Wrote JM on 5 July . Complains of the “most serious inconvenience &...
132496 Savage, Edward Madison, James To James Madison from Edward Savage, 23 July 1803 1803-07-23 Letter not found. 23 July 1803 . Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Savage, 27 July 1803 (DNA: RG...
132497 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 23 July 1803 1803-07-23 I had the honor of writing to you on the 5th. Instant. Since the commencement of the War the...
132498 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Shipment , 23 July 1803 1803-07-23 July 23. 1803. wrote to G. Jefferson to send √ the cask syrop punch } by waggons cask (15....
132499 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Vaughan, 23 July 1803 1803-07-23 The two pamphlets from the Society of Arts &c were intended to be retained by you, as we are in...
132500 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 24 July … 1803-07-24 24 July 1803, Leghorn . No. 9. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 9 Apr. circular , “enclosed with two...
132501 Gray, Vincent Madison, James To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 24 July 1803 … 1803-07-24 24 July 1803, Havana . Encloses a letter he received “from a Mrs: Mary Elam relative to her Son.”...
132502 Mitchell, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Mitchell, 24 July 1803 … 1803-07-24 24 July 1803, Le Havre . Sends returns for the last three months by vessel to Norfolk. In his...
132503 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 24 July … 1803-07-24 At this moment I mean only to acknowledge the receipt of Yours of the 9th: of April enclosed with...
132504 Gray, Vincent Madison, James To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 Having received a letter from a Mrs. Mary Elam relative to her son, and not knowing her place of...
132505 Mitchell, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Mitchell, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 The returns for the last three Months is made out & will be forwarded ⅌ a vessell that sails for...
132506 Clark, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Clark, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 I had the honor of receiving thro’ Captain M: Lewis an assureance of your Approbation & wish that...
132507 Jefferson, Thomas Duane, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 The address of the Ward committees of Philada on the subject of removals from office was recieved...
132508 Johnson, William and Others Jefferson, Thomas Petition of William Johnson and Others, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 The Petition of the subscribers Humbly Sheweth that on or about the 16th June last a commission...
132509 Roberts, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Roberts, 24 July 1803 1803-07-24 William Roberts lately from Norfolk, taking an Excursion with his Sister Mrs. Taylor and...
132510 Madison, James FitzSimons, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas FitzSimons, 25 July 1803 1803-07-25 I have duly received your letter of the 21st. inst. The subject of the detentions of American...