James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John B. Sartori, 21 June 1821

From John B. Sartori

Trenton 21st June 1821.


I have just received your esteemed favr. of [illegible] Inst. Mr. Caffarena never wrote to me the particulars of his Letter to you, But if you desire from me an opinion as his Friend on the Subject of your Letter, I think if the Statue is not of use to you, the best way will be to have it packed up and Send it to me in Philad, where I will Keep it Subject to his order. Please to present my best respects to Mrs. Maddison, and to accept the sentiments of my Sincere respects and Consideration with which I have the honor to remain Your Most Obed & Huml sert.

John B. Sartori

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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