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Results 132151-132160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Je prens la Liberté de vous adresser une Lettre pour Mr Destouches relative aux approvisionement...
The inclosed I have this moment received It is all the information I have. beg Your Excellency...
Since my return from the Point I am favored with yours—I think it will be expedient for Col....
You will give permission to John Shaddon, Elijah Williams, Edward Bugbee, Abraham Lent, Willm...
I have received your favor of the 21st of April, and by your letters of a later date, which I...
I am this moment informed that our County Lieutenant has orders to post fifty Men at Wt. [West]...
You were pleas’d in your favor of the 11th. Inst. from Colo. Skipwith’s, to inform me, that...
This is the sixteenth day that I have been confin’d in the Provost Guard, without any kind of...
Inclosed I send you letter which I have just now received from Philadelphia by a Vessell that was...
A Board of Officers, who sat this day by order of Colo. Wood, to enquire into the claims of the...