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Results 1321-1350 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your two Letters of May 7th and 15th reachd me yesterday, and I was puzzeld a long time to find...
I have written twice to you by way of New York, but do not find by yours that either of them had...
I hear from you by way of your mother, & rejoice to learn that you & your little ones enjoy heath...
Your favour of december 19 was deliverd me this day. I would not omit by this post to thank you...
Your Letters of october 23 and your last by capt Lyde gave me great pleasure, and the account...
I left Philadelphia on twesday Noon the 24 of April. my first stage was only twenty miles. I bore...
Capt. Caznew is now just about to sail. I wrote large packets to go by him a month ago, but...
To you I am largely indebted for domestick intelligence and many valuable Letters. I have not...
I received by Saturdays post Yours of Nov br 8 th , and was happy to find that you had got well...
It is with inexpressible pleasure that I enclose to you a letter from your brother, and that I...
I am very sorry to find by your Mammas Letters that you are unwell. I wish you could have made an...
This will be deliverd to you by the children who leave me this day. I hope they will return to...
Your Letter to me informing me of the Death of your dear Parent, and my much Loved Aunt, awakened...
your obliging Letter of November 7 th. came safe to hand, as well as a couple of Hares since...
What ever the Majority of the House of Representitives may think of their conduct, and motives,...
after I had closed my Letter Yesterday, I received Yours of the 28th. the Garden seeds are in a...
I received yesterday by way of Nyork your kind Letter of two dates october 28 & Nov br 8 th a...
Your repeated favours of May 14, May 19 and 30 together with one bearing no date merrit my...
We are still without Letters from You. the Secretary of State received one dated in December; but...
And is there no medium Sir, between terms which might be misconstrued, and the cold formal adieu...
By mr Knox our old accquaintance who is appointed consul to dublin I embrace the opportunity of...
I received your Letter yesterday of May the 28 th and the Sermons you were so kind as to send me,...
I have waited with great patience, restraining as much as posible every anxious Idea for 3...
I am indebted to You for two Letters Since I Wrote to you. Your Letter of december 22 d I thank...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of three Letters from you since my last. your punctuality and...
This Letter will not bear you so melancholy tidings, as from the close of my last, I apprehended....
on thursday I received a Letter from Col Smith informing me of the Birth of a Grandaughter. this...
I am sorry to say that I write you from my Sick Chamber, where I have been confined for near a...
I had my dear Girl such an obligeing visit from you last Night, and such sweet communion with you...
I should not so soon have ventured to interrupt your more important avocations by an other...