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Results 1321-1350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
After the dose of Constitutional matter which you have had forced upon you of late, it is not...
J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Sprague, returns his thanks for the little pamphlet on the...
I recd. the pamphlet with which you lately favd. me whilst the attention due to it was prevented...
This late acknowledgment of your letter of Sepr. 20. is the effect of its reaching me at...
Wishing to give the surest as well as a speedy conveyance of the inclosed letter to Genl....
Excuse me when I tell you that, I have recived a letter from each of the venerable fathers of our...
I have just recd. from Professor Lomax a communication of his final purpose to accept the...
I recd last evening your letter of the 25th. and sincerely regret both on acct. of the University...
I have recd the copy of your Horticultural Address politely inclosed to me. And I have read it...
Your favor of Novr. 30 was duly recd. at Richmond, whence it would have been acknowledged, but...
J Madison has recd. the copy of "Essays on American Silk," with which Mr. Duponceau has...
I have duly recd. with your letter of the 20th. a copy of the "Report on a State’s Bank." Not...
It is with much pleasure, I acknowledge the receipt of the New Constitution of my native State. I...
Above and annexed, I send for your approval, my check on the President & Directors of the...
Yours of the 19th. is just recd. It was not amiss that you paid Waller’s drafts wch. were due...
If copies of the Lives of Arthur Lee & E. Gerry should be Deposited with you for me, Be so good...
The Nat. Intelligr. of the 19th. gave us the pleasure of finding that you had arrived at...
I take the liberty of transmitting to you a report on a proposition to establish a financial bank...
Yesterday morning Mr McCrea died greatly regretted, he was perfectly resigned and entirely...
I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you but as you Marrid a near Relation of...
A rule which I have found it expedient to impose on myself not permitting me to comply with the...
About one Month since, I sent to you, as an expression of my high admiration for your private &...
I beg leave, to introduce myself to you, as Samuel P. Walker Jr. and grand nephew, to the late...
I have recd. your’s of the 3d. instant. A regard for consistency does not permit me to take the...
I have recd your letter of Dcr. 28 referring to one in 1828. which was anonymous. I recollect...
Permit me to respectfully to request the honour of your company this Evening at the Capitol at...
I had the pleasure to receive your Letter of the 2nd July, and immediately directed the Publisher...
I have recd yours of Decr. 20 20 and am more sorry for the view it has taken of its subject than...
This certifies that Edward D. Hobbs is a Member for life, of the American Colonization Society. R...
J. Madison returns his thanks to General Dearborn for the copy of his "address to the...