James Madison Papers

From James Madison to James Brown Jr., 24 March 1825

To James Brown Jr.

Montpr. Mar. 24. 1823 [1825]


I have duly recd with your letter of the 19th. inst,1 a copy of the 9th. annual report of the proceedings of the Board of pub: Works,2 forwarded by Direction of the Board: for which you will be pleased to offer my respectful acknowledgments & thanks. With friendly respects.


Draft (PHi). Incorrectly dated; conjectural year assigned based on the date of the report (see n. 2 below) and a similar letter sent to Thomas Jefferson on 19 Mar. 1825 (DLC: Jefferson Papers, Epistolary Record). James Brown Jr., longtime second auditor of the state of Virginia, was secretary to the state Board of Public Works (Richmond Enquirer, 3 Jan. 1828; Baltimore Sun, 30 Dec. 1852).

1Letter not found.

2Ninth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Board of Public Works, to the General Assembly of Virginia. 22d December, 1824 (Richmond, 1824) (Earl G. Swem, “A Bibliography of Virginia, Part II,” Bulletin Virginia State Library 10 [1917]: 200).

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