James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Trumbull, 20 October 1823

From John Trumbull

New York 20th. Octo. 1823.


Your Favor of the 11th. inst. is before me; an opportunity of sending your print to Washington offers tomorrow by a fast sailing packet. I have therefore enclosed it in a tin tube, and that in a wooden Case, and addressed it to Mr. Cutts, to whom the Captain Lynch promises to deliver it. I hope it will reach you in perfect safety, & meet your approbation.

The price of the print is Twenty dollars $20.
the packing cases cost One do 1.

Which you will either remit to me, or retain until I shall have the honor of paying my personal respects to you at Montpellier, which I hope to do next Spring.

I beg you to present to Mrs. Madison the united Respects of Mrs. Trumbull & myself and to accept the best wishes of Sir Your obliged & faithful Servant

Jno. Trumbull


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