George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Peter Hog, 3 November 1755

From Peter Hog

Fort Dinwiddie 3d Novemr 1755


Inclosed you have the Return for Last Month1 I have been Oblidged to Inclose the Weekly Returns to the other field Officers as I am much put to it for papr by my bagage being not yet come up, tho’ it will be a month tomorrow Since Jno. Roe sett out for it.2 The Salt Lies still at Frederickbg and the Folks now Insist on having their beef Slaughter’d as they fall away greatly, the Severe frost having destroyed the food; the Men begin to grumble for their pay and I am utterly at a Loss where to Apply for it, or when to promise them, as you have not yet Instructed me how it is to be remitted. The Country people likewise Expect the pay for their beef agt the Court for this County about a fourt night hence; pray Let it Lodged as soon as possible at Mr Dicks to Save the Time & Expence of the Express going to Williamsburg. I should be glad to know whether the Country pays the reward for taking up Deserters, & if not how it shall be Levied on these old ones.3 I am Sir Your Very hume Servt

Petr Hog


1Hog’s monthly return for October reported for the 1st company of the Virginia Regiment 2 officers, 3 sergeants, 1 drummer, and 38 rank and file.

2John Roe, a soldier in Captain Hog’s company, had served since the Fort Necessity campaign. He was still in Hog’s company as late as Dec. 1756 (December payroll for Captain Hog’s company, DLC:GW).

3The assembly, which was in session, enacted a law which provided that “the taker up” of a deserter should receive from the public a reward of 200 pounds of tobacco (6 Hening description begins William Waller Hening, ed. The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619. 13 vols. 1819–23. Reprint. Charlottesville, Va., 1969. description ends 563).

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