Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Rutledge, Jr., 25 March 1790

From John Rutledge, Jr.

London, 25 Mch. 1790. Introducing “the Count of Andriani … a gentleman of much information” who has just finished the tour of Europe and intends one in America, who is well acquainted with the state of affairs in France, and who will present TJ “with a small pamphlet, said to have been written by the marquis of Condorcet.” Rutledge finds in England “independent of the vulgar prejudice … a universal dislike to the french revolution. To those who are not acquainted with the english character, it would appear surprizing that a nation which values itself on the efforts it has made for freedom should not esteem other nations for the same, or superior, efforts; but the fact is, the english do not like to see any other people free, because they think they are free, and, from what I have observed of this Nation, it resembles an individual, who, valuing himself on any one thing, becomes jealous of another who shall be thought to possess the same.”

RC (DLC); endorsed as received 9 June 1790 and so recorded in SJL. The enclosed pamphlet by Condorcet has not been identified, but it may have been Réponse à l’adresse aux provinces, ou réflexions sur les écrits publiés contre l’Assemblée Nationale, Paris, 1790 [1789] (Sowerby, description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, 1952–1959, 5 vols. description ends No. 2576).

On Andriani, see note, Paradise to TJ, 2 Apr. 1790.

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