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Results 131691-131720 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your agreeable letter of June 19th: was not received by me untill my arrival at this place. Mr....
On my arrival at this place, two days ago, I had the pleasure to receive yours of the fifteenth...
In the month of September or October last, I do not exactly recollect which, I remember seeing at...
London, 25 Mch. 1790 . Introducing “the Count of Andriani … a gentleman of much information” who...
Since my arrival here I have received from Mr. Wedgwood, in england, some of his imitations of...
I this moment have the pleasure to receive yours of the 25th of march, with the letters you have...
Paris, 6 May 1788 . Asks TJ, on receipt from Messrs. Bérard of “the money which Messrs....
Letters which I have lately received from America determine me to carry into execution my Project...
I am extremely sorry, that official Duty prevents (which nothing but indispensable necessity...
[ Charleston, S.C., 18 Feb. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as received 30 Mch. 1789. This letter, which...
Charleston, S.C., 22 Nov. 1788. Encloses “a short Letter, for my Son.” The people by which it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of requesting one moment of your time, to...
Paris, 20 Apr. 1789 . Encloses a list requested by TJ. RC ( ViWC ); in French; 1 p.; endorsed....
I propose to morrow (if the weather should be favourable, if not the next fair day) to erect a...
Having understood from Timothy Clowes L L. D. President of Washington College, Chesterton,...
The Petition of James Ryan of the City of New York Humbly Sheweth That your petitioner as a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letter your Excellency did me the honnour to wright me,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society To Except of my gratefull acknowledgments and everlasting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy in Informing your Excellency that my heath being...
Some unforeseen accidents and a tedious indisposition have so derang’d my affairs that I am...
It gives me pain to be under the Disagreeable Necessity of troubling you a Second time with...
Having had the honor of being known to your Excelly in the Army I make bold to adress you, on a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did not imagine you would have hesitated to pay me the...
Captain Ryk takes his leave and presents the Expression of his Veneration to His Excellency...
I hope you will not think it presumption in me, in addressing you in the following manner— Often...
7 September 1811, Schenectady. Has been informed by “A Gentleman Just arrived from Detroit,” that...
In our former presidents administration there was days appointed by that Honourable Gentleman for...
In the month of March 1785, Thomas Barclay Esquire appointed by the Honorable Congress of the...
With your Esteem’d favor of the 7 Curt. we received your Draft at sight on Messrs. Gibson &...
Copenhagen, 21 May 1793 . Since his last letter of 22 Dec., which was accompanied by his security...