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Results 131681-131690 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letter not found. 4 May 1803. Acknowledged in Coleman to JM, 24 May 1803 (DLC). Requests Coleman to ship the four cases and a bale containing Monroe’s belongings in care of Lewis Deblois. Asks that substitution be made for some items. Makes a suggestion concerning the disposition of Monroe’s wine.
I have duely received Your Excellency’s Letter of the 30th. of April. I have read it with sincere Emotions of Gratitude and the Impression it has made upon me will be the more permanent since this Proof of Your kind Disposition towards me is the first Circumstance which seems to interrupt a long Chain of adverse Occurrences. There are many Reasons why a Change of Scene would be agreable to me...
I have great satisfaction in informing you that the late election in this State has been attended with unexampled success. Out of ten Senators, the federalists in all probability will not have one and out of one hundred representatives, their numbers will not exceed fifteen. The relative strength of parties will stand thus.— Repub: Fed: In the Senate 26  6 In the Assembly 85 15 We have not as...
please to accept my perticular thanks for the perusal you have afforded me of your remarks on religion ,—as they will probably at some future day be laid before the public, permit me Sir, to suggest a small deviation from the mode of expression you have used in one sentance.—insted of saying the Committing to writing his life and doctrines fell on the most unlettered and ignorant of men, would...
Mr. Dupont your father informed me he should have occasion to remit considerable sums of money from France to the US. the small matter for which I have occasion cannot be proposed as a convenience to him, but to myself alone. I wish to place 400. Dollars in Paris for the purchase of some wine, and know not how to remit it there. if it be convenient for you to give me your draught on your...
I am about to ask from you the execution of a troublesome commission, without being able to encourage it’s undertaking by an assurance that it may not be repeated hereafter. the meanness of quality, as well as extravagance of price of the French wines which can be purchased in this country have determined me to seek them in the spot where they grow. when in France I visited all the remarkeable...
Interest account between J. Barnes & Th: Jefferson from 1801. Mar. 4. to 1803. May 4. 1801. Monthly balance Int. of month at 6.p.Ct. Articles of discount between those dates paid by Th:J. extracted from the accounts. Mar. 4. 316. 485 1.58 D Apr. 4. 316. 40 1.58 1801. July 25.
Business & bad weather have thus far detained me. I hope to set out tomorrow morning, if the mail of this evening brings nothing to interfere. There is a rumour that hostilities have commenced between G. B. & France. The event is to be expected from the positions taken by both parties both in arms & in negociation. Yrs. truly RC ( InHi ). Addressed to Hite at Orange Court House, Virginia.
Inclosed herewith is a Blank Commission for the Consulate at Antwerp, vacated by the translation of Mr. Barnett to Havre de Grace. The President wishes the Blank to be filled with the name of Daniel Strobel if that gentleman chuses to accept the appointment; and in case of his declining it, with the name of Jacob Ridgway. The latter is established at Antwerp, and so I believe is the former....
I have conditionally engaged a neat handsome Chariot for you, with a pair of best plated harness, at 500$. Particulars and a description of it, I will give in a day or two, having, so far engaged, on the advice & opinion of Mr: Kerr, without having, as yet, seen it, altho’ under reservation to be finished as I may direct. If I conclude a purchase, I will arrange the payment to meet your...