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Results 131671-131700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. State of Virga....
I have had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favors of the 9th. and 28th. of May. The...
Capt. Isaac Cazneau of Boston, lately arrived here from Norway, in his passage on board a Danish...
Copy and L (draft): Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, Votre Lettre du 2. de ce mois. Je...
131675[Diary entry: 7 June 1781] (Washington Papers)
7th. A Letter from the Govr. of Virginia dated at Charlottesville the 28th. Ulto. representing...
131676General Orders, 7 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
Troy Lee a Soldier in the 5th Massacusetts’ regiment tried 5th June 1781 by a General court...
I have received your favor of the 1st Inst. with the enclosure, this Morning, by the Express who...
The General Assembly of This State, deeply impressed with the absolute Necessity of assembling a...
I am still pursuing the completion of my Commission, by a letter I received the last evening from...
Mr Kirkland has requested me (with Earnestness) to apply to your Excellency in behalf of one King...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favors of the 2nd & 3d Inst. I had upon the former...
Genl Rutledge did me the favor to present me with your letter of the 31st Ulto, & on my return...
I have had the honor to receive the letter wch you did me the favor to write on the 19th Ulto,...
By a Resolve of Congress of the 31st of May two Battalions of Infantry and a Corps of those...
I was this day honored with your favor of the 3d instant. I very sensibly feel not only for the...
I must begin this letter with an apology for having delayed the acknowledgment of your favors of...
The inclosed are from a number of the first Gentlemen in Berkshire in favor of King now under...
We have the honor to enclose a Resolve of Congress for the supply of the Army by contract and of...
At the same time I again inform you, of the almost infinite importance it is, to have the Boats...
I do myself the Honor to inclose Your Excellency a Martinico Gazette of the 3rd of May which...
Instantly upon the receipt of this Letter, you will put the whole of your Corps in motion to join...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. Sd. Come....
Selon vos ordres du 1er. du Courant, j’ai cacheté de mon cachet la Lettre que Vous m’avez envoyée...
According to the orders in your letter of the first of this month, I sealed the letter you sent...
I presume the Liberty of presenting to your Honor my Destressing Situation, that long Captivity...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai Lhonneur de vous donner avis que Le capne Bennet Negus...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer of this is Mr Thayer, a young Genttelman Educated...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; LS : American Philosophical Society, University of...
131699General Orders, 6 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter master General is immediately to take measures for drawing together as many Tents and...
You will proceed immediately with Col. Hazen’s Regt to Albany, and put yourself under the Orders...