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Results 131641-131670 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Council received your favour of this day by the Officer of the Guard, and thank your...
12 August 1802, Retreat. “Enclosed is a Certificate from the Farmers Society in this...
At a meeting of sundry citizens of Nashville and its vicinity, convened by notice in the...
Copy: Library of Congress The Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 22d. Instant,...
[ Fort Massac, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, June 30, 1799. In a letter to James McHenry...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honour to have now before me your Letters of the...
In the year 1790 or thereabout I presented to thee letters of recommendation from George Mason ,...
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] January 1, 1793 . “Your Circular Letter of 25th October...
I inclose you an order of the bank of the US. at this place on that at Philadelphia for five...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania,...
Je reçois la faveur dont Votre Excellence m’a honoré en date du 25 Août dernier par les mains de...
The same Post which gave me your two letters of the 25th. of March, handed me one from Colo....
I have sent by the Baltimore Packet (that will sail tomorrow) to the care of Govr Howard the...
131654[Diary entry: 2 June 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 2d. About 5 Oclock, after an early breakfast, we set off, pilotted by Mr. Hough thro’ by...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia,...
131656[Diary entry: 16 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
16. Cooler, wind Easterly, & somewhat lowering.
In a letter from you of the 25th Octobr last, you informed me that twenty three Boats had been...
Case of Doctr. Stephens Dr. S. went in the year 1799 to St. Domingo under a Consular appointment,...
I return the letters from Mr. Pinkney, Plumer, Gray &. Allen. The only objection to the appt. of...
I have this moment received your favour of Nov. 30, and the Volume inclosed with it: an...
On considering the offer You have been so good as to make me to go to the Court of Spain I have...
I thank you for the information given in your letter of the 27th. uto. respecting the...
Forty five more rank & file of the Connecticut Militia have arrived, Since the last return....
I have the honor to inform you that myself, and colleagues arrived here, this evening, after a...
RC (Virginia State Library). Written and franked by Theodorick Bland. Addressed to “His Excelly....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the pleasure to write you a few lines from...
131667[August 1769] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 1st. Set out from Chs. Wests. Dined at Snickers and got to Mr. W[arne]r Washington’s abt. 5...
It occurs to me that it may not be perfectly prudent to say that we are never to expect Favors...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favored by yours of the 18th. Ultimo from Lake George;...
Your favor of Mar. 4. is at hand. I have recieved no letter from your son Richard since my last...