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Results 131601-131650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
131601[Diary entry: 29 June 1799] (Washington Papers)
29. Morning lowering—Wind Southerly and Mer. at 74. A great deal of rain appeared to fall all around us, but none here. Mer. 75 at Night.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the President’s Letter to the King of Holland which I should have presented last week, had not the death of the King’s eldest Son prevented my admittance at Court. I now wait advice from the Minr. of foreign affairs relative to the time it will be convenient to his Majesty to receive me. Many alarming apprehensions have been of late entertained...
I was cald away last Monday upon Business that I neither foresaw, nor coud postpone, tho. I had appointed both Col. Lee & Mr Payne to be at Alexandria that day, the latter of whom kept himself in Readiness ’till late in the Evening to accompany me—I am obliged to be at next Essex Court upon very Urgent Business which also happens to be Alexandria Court Week & perhaps the following Court I may...
Long Island [N.Y.] 6 July 1776 . Asserts right to command a regiment. “In the present Campaign I was appointed a Lt Col., under Col. Little, which reduced the Rank I formerly held in the Service, & exposes me to be Commanded by many, who have been on Command under me. . . . I have no doubts in my Mind, Sir, but that you will take my Case into Consideration, and grant me the Rank I have...
I have set George and his company to work in the canal according to your desire: Jupiter is with them and is constantly employed in blowing the rock at the upper end which it was their first business to lay bare for him. Part of the timber intended for the house has been brought up, and the remainder will be in place before the middle of next month. The two houses for the servants I am sorry...
6 February 1804, Canton. Received the duplicate of JM’s 9 Apr. 1803 letter on 24 Jan. 1804. Has never received the original, JM’s circulars of 1 Aug. 1801 and 26 Aug. 1802, or “‘a copy of the laws of the Session of Congress preceeding the last,’ said to have been transmitted with the above letter.” Will strictly comply with JM’s “directions respecting American Seamen, and the legality of Ships...
I have now seen the letter from Mr. Percival which I mentioned to you in the Postscript to Dupl : of my Letter of the 22nd and the following is an Extract of it, written from memory to be sure, but in respect to the emphatical words literal, and in other respects substantially if not verbally correct. Viz: “That the perseverance in the measure of the orders in Council is not grounded in...
This day three weeks I left Home, since which I have not heard a word from thence. I wrote you from Hartford and once from this place since my arrival. I cannot give you any account eitheir of Newyork or Jamaica as I got into the first at seven in the Evening & left it at Nine the next morning, and in this place my only excursion has been in the garden. the weather has been bad cloudy & rainy...
Under an expectation that after our personal interview at Cambridge, you would provide yourself with the Article of dress which you required, and a new Hat, at Mr Fairbanks’s, I have been less urgent to answer your Note which was received and acknowledged by your Aunt, in my absence from Quincy. I have now only to Say, that whatever Garments you or your brother may want, if not, like yours, of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover addressed by Ambler to “The Honobl. James Madison of Congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “Octr. 18. 1782.” I am enabled to make you another Remittance by this Mail of £130, as you will find in the inclosed first Bill of David Ross &co. on John Ross Esqr. I could not get them at a shorter sight than 20. Days, but I hope this will make no material difference....
In a late letter from mr Mazzei I have recieved inclosed a power of Attorney from the representatives of th e late mr Bellini for the settlement of the administration of his affairs and remitment of the proceeds. my distance rendering it impracticable for myself, I have thought it would be for your convenience also to engage some person in your neighborhood to attend to this. I have therefore...
Inclosed you will find the copy of a letter from Mr. Habersham of the 16th ultimo. The bearer of it (who is mentioned in it) informs me that from the month of June last till he left Georgia, there had been kept on foot from a thousand to twelve hundred Militia and that arrangements appeared to be going on for encreasing the number. The expense you will perceive, has been out of all proportion...
131613[Diary entry: 19 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
19. Dined at Roys at the Bolling green and lodged at Hanovr. Court House. Hanover Court House, now Hanover, is 15 miles north of Richmond. In 1781 there was a “very fine and large inn here” ( RICE Howard C. Rice, Jr., and Anne S. K. Brown, eds. The American Campaigns of Rochambeau’s Army, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783 . 2 vols. Princeton, N.J., 1972. , 2:101).
The dayly expectation of one of the two events which I designed should put an end to my Public Services has nothing more to fix it to a period now, than there was several Months ago, and, as to carry my Papers home by Land (for I never could think of trusting them on the Ocean or Bay) was the only inducement for requiring Waggons to be retained for this service, I have, to avoid further...
131615[Diary entry: 16 January 1771] (Washington Papers)
16. Rid to the Mill and up the Mill Race in the Afternoon.
Observations on the question, whether it is expedient for the Bank of the United States to operate by Departments? It is first necessary to determine, whether any limitations in the constitution of the Bank of the United States, render it improper for the Corporation to operate by departments. A fair construction of the law must decide this point. The only limitation in the act of...
We have the honour to send you 7 Bills, firsts and seconds, on Messrs. Willink & Staphorst in Amsterdam, making together Bo ƒ36000 at 10 days from the 16th Inst. Be pleased to send them back to us signed, with the letter of advice , and we will have the honour to advise you the proceeds after their negotiation. We are very respectfully Sir, your most obedient humble servants, RC ( DLC );...
New York, December 1, 1789. “We have been informed by the Pilots that the Beacon on Sandy Hook has been blown down, and entirely destroyed by the late Storm.…” LS , in writing of William Heyer, RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “C,” Connecticut and New York, National Archives. Randall and Heyer were New York City port wardens.
The Troops of my Brigad arived here yesterday Coll Dayton with his Regiment has taken the command of Elizth Town and it’s Vicinity The remaindr of the Brigade after furnishing the guard at Raway, Woodbridge, and New Ark will remain here till I have Your Excellencys Instructions. I had the pleasure Yesterday in the afternoon to go in company with Lord Stirling & the Field Officers to Elizth...
Inclosed is a Letter which I have this morning received from a particular Friend of mine, who is a Representative from the Town of Northhampton & Son in Law to the late Judge Henshaw, Mr. Bates who feels for you the highest respects. Knowing the great weight which your opinions justly greatly have in the Community, & the evils which our Country has suffered from a misquotation of them; I...
[ Philadelphia ] October 11, 1792 . “Conformably to the order of the Senate of the United States to you of the 7th of May last, and to your request in your letter of the 6th. instant we herewith in-close the account required.” LS , RG 46, Second Congress, 1791–1793, Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury (2A-F2), National Archives. For this order, see “Treasury Department Circular to the...
Mr. Pelham having very obligingly procured me the means of addressing you, I take this first opportunity of representing to you the Circumstances and situation of the two Gentlemen at present in confinement along with me. I am to suppose they have been put in Prison for having acted under my orders. If there be any criminality in those orders Justice demands that I alone should be the...
A Statement of the application of the Funds of the University of Virginia , showing how much has been paid to each undertaker of work and for what purposes, and to other individuals on acc t of the buildings and other expences, from the 1 st day of o October 1819 to the 30 th day of September 1820 —   $ Ct
ALS : American Philosophical Society No Packet having arrived here lately, that of August from England being the last, and this Opportunity being near I must scribble a few Lines to you. I sent you, per Capt. Miller, a Power to get any Wages that may be due to me. My last to you was per the Duke Packet, immediately after my Return from New-Haven: since which Mr. Ingersol has wrote Mr. Foxcroft...
I came to this place early Yestorday Morning—the enemy had left it the night before—thair main body is encampd about three miles from the Town thair rear within a mile, we are in full vew of each other—I am and have been, ever since I come out, at a great Loss for light horse, having none onaxt [annexed] to me—Genl scott sent me a serjant and six, whose horses ware tierd and was Rather an...
[ West Point, July 30, 1779. On September 18, 1779, Jay wrote to Hamilton : “Your favors of the 25, 26, & 30 July & 12 Inst have thus long remained unanswered.” Letter of July 30 not found .]
I have recievd the inclos⟨ed repre⟩sentation of some violences said to be commited in your corps against Young Gecock an inhabitant and a child of the Widow Garrison —By a verbal state of the affair more intelligible than the written one, I understand that some men of the light Infantry had made a practice of plundering the farms of the complainants—that a party of these marauders was...
Since I had the honor of writing to you this morning, I have been making inquiries respecting Blankets, and find that Messrs Sitgreaves have the largest quanty—the best assortment—and the lowest prices that are to be found. I enclose a list of their prices & qualities in order that you may, if you think proper, point out the kind most suitable for your purpose—and likewise have the prices...
Letter not found : from William Pearce, 24 April 1796. GW wrote Pearce on 1 May: “Your letter of the 24th Ulto has been received.”
I think the cases both of Caston and Hibbs are within the spirit of our promise , altho’ they both happen to be out of the letter of it. they have substantially fulfilled the object of the government; and could such cases have been stated to us before hand we should have offered the reward. should you be of this opinion I should approve of giving them the reward as if they were within the...
131631[Diary entry: 5 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
5. Finishd the other half of the Cut between Eleven and 12 (that is Cutting Binding and stacking) and went into the half of the 3d. Cut by the gate just at 12 Oclock with all hands.
AD : American Philosophical Society Spouts have been generally believ’d Ascents of water from below, to the Region of the Clouds, And Whirlwinds the Means of Conveyance. The World has been very well satisfied with these Opinions, and prejudiced with Respect to any Observations about them. Men of Learning and Capacity have had many Opportunitys in passing those Regions where these phenomena...
During the Time of my being occupied in the Seige of York, I received a Letter from Colo. Gibson commandg at that Time at Fort Pitt, inclosing sundry Proceedings of Courts Martial held at that post—among which are two Capital Cases, on which Sentences of Death are decreed by the Court. Being informed by Congress, that you have been ordered to the Command of that post—I have to inform—that the...
If Mr Parker should have left Boston I will thank you for opening the inclosed Letter to him & complying with the Contents of it. The amount of the Acct shall be remitted so soon as it is made known to Sir Yr most obt Serv t P.S. I should be glad to get the Articles wrote for as soon as possible. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
The Box refer d to in my last, was the one rec d at this place, direct from Liverpool, per the Philip Tabb, to your address, & forwarded on to you, but since I wrote, have rec d a letter from Mr. Trist, stating that the Box was for him, & inclosing a list of its contents, the duty on which I have paid, & ch d the whole bill to him, which settles the matter, & I return under cover Mr....
If you have not moved from Mount Holley when this comes to hand, I wish you to wait there till you see Colo. Meade, who will set off immediately charged with some important matters which I thought it improper to commit to paper. This However you are to understand under this restriction—That I do not mean to prevent you a moment from prosecuting any Object you have immediately in view that...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philad. March 11th 1792 I am persuaded that no one will be more ready than yourself to make the proper allowances for my not having sooner acknowledged the receipt of your friendly letter of the 23d of December, as you there express a conviction that the pressure of my public duties will allow me but very little time to attend to my private correspondences. This is...
Owing to some accident I did not until this Moment discover the Memo which you put upon the Cover of one of Mr Monroes Letters to me, desiring that his Letter to you, which you sent on with it, might be returned to you. I hasten to comply with that request and have now the Honor to return the Letter accordingly. The ⟨wea⟩ther ⟨co⟩ntinues to be cool and pleasant and the City healthy. With the...
I duely received yours of 24 of May, and Should have answered it sooner, if I had been in better Health: But both Mr Thaxter and I have been too ill, to have given that Attention to it, that We should otherwise have done. I return you inclosed, the Letter and Account, of Mr Frasink Pjasink . This Morning was brought me, yours of 31. May, with the two Accounts inclosed—one of Disbursements...
At the request of my relation Hugh Lennox Agent of UStates at this Island, I now address you, And beg to inform you that Mr. L. has been confined these four days last past with a Severe fever, but is now thought out of danger. At his request I enclose you some Kingston papers by which you will perceive, the determination of the Assembly of this Island, to encourage the importation of Salted...
The Council received your favour of this day by the Officer of the Guard, and thank your Excellency for your care, and as the Prisoners sent hither, are all disposed of, there will be no occasion for any guard until others are sent in; We have therefore returned the Guard and the Committee of Council, who are appointed to hear and examine &c. Prisoners in the recess of Court (a Copy of whose...
12 August 1802, Retreat. “Enclosed is a Certificate from the Farmers Society in this neighbourhood.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p. Cover dated “Brookeville 8th mo 14th. 1802.” Docketed by Brent as received 16 Aug. The enclosure, dated 8 May 1802 (1 p.) and signed by Joseph Elgar, president, and Thomas Moore, secretary, certified that JM was, “in confidence of his zeal to promote...
At a meeting of sundry citizens of Nashville and its vicinity, convened by notice in the Impartial Review, to take into consideration the late perfidious conduct of the British Government towards the United states— Doctor William Dickson, was called to the chair & Alexr Porter Jr appointed secy— After some appropriate observations by several gentlemen Present, the following committee was...
Copy: Library of Congress The Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 22d. Instant, Informing me, of the Order M. Le Cte. De Vergennes has been so good as to send Mr. D’harvelay for the Payment of the four hundred and sixteen thousand Livres, gave me great Pleasure, and I beg you to accept my Thanks for your kind Attention, I shall take Care to furnish the Receipit or acknowledgement...
[ Fort Massac, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, June 30, 1799. In a letter to James McHenry on August 22, 1799 , Hamilton referred to a “letter of the 30 of June from Massac from Capt Pasteur.” Letter not found. ] A veteran of the American Revolution, Pasteur was a captain in the First Regiment of Infantry and the commanding officer at Fort Massac.
LS : American Philosophical Society I have the Honour to have now before me your Letters of the 13th: and 15th. Instant. In the first you desire I would write our situation; mine of the 10th. will satisfy you in that particular, therefore shall not say anything more on that head; in your first you advise us to Gurlard and Company and to send our Letters under Gurlard’s Cover. In your last you...
In the year 1790 or thereabout I presented to thee letters of recommendation from George Mason , Ralph Wormley , & Henry Lee Esq re on business. From thy attention to me at that time, I take the liberty of now addressing thee without restraint on a subject that I am in no way interested in, more than as far as respects the good of my country at large, and if I am correctly informed thou hast...
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] January 1, 1793 . “Your Circular Letter of 25th October 1792 I have this day received. In consequence of which I have transmitted to the Comptroller of the Treasury the different returns I was in use to send to your Office, those only excepted which you desire should be forwarded to you.… I cannot possibly ascertain the Estimate of Money due from this...
I inclose you an order of the bank of the US. at this place on that at Philadelphia for five hundred Dollars on the usual account.   I shall leave this place about the latter part of the month for Monticello & after a few days rest there proceed to Bedford from which place however I shall be returned to Monticello by the middle of August. this will be before the time by which you expected to...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1767–1768 (Philadelphia, 1768), pp. 8–9. We are particularly enjoined by the House of Assembly, now sitting, to request that you would co-operate with the Agents of the other colonies in any decent and respectful Application to Parliament, in case such Application is made by them for a Repeal of...