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Results 131601-131610 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
General Sullivan in a letter of the 20th Ulto mentions a civil process, carried on by the commissaries against a Capn Session, for purchasing provision in contravention of an express law of the State of Connecticut, which forbids under a large penalty, such proceedings, but by persons properly appointed. He has likewise requested a military court for the tryal of the commissary who is the...
Let me request the favor of you to cause the Advertisement herewith sent, to be published three times in the Hartford Gazette which has the most extensive circulation; with an interval of two weeks between each. Be so good as to pay the printer for doing this, or send his account therefor to Mr Trumbull, to whom the money shall be paid at sight. Mr Trumbull has informed you of my want of a...
I stand extremely in need of a capable prudent and trust worthy man to aid me in capacity of Secretary. He must possess a clear comprehension and a perspicuous correct and neat Style. I wish the emoluments which the law allows me to offer were a more adequate inducement to such a character. They are only the pay and emoluments of a Captain in the Army—in other words forty dollars per month and...
Morristown, 18 February 1777 . Encloses letters of recommendation for the commissary of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, Ephraim Blaine, who is “desirous of getting into the Commissary’s department: But as I do not choose to interfere in it, have sent him to you. If you want such a person, you will no doubt employ him.” LS , in George Johnston’s writing, NN : Washington Collection.
You will think me a sad delinquent and You will have reason. I plead guilty & crave the mercy of the Court. The two Credits of July 31. 1786 stand in my book as different 3500 } Dollars. This renders it less probable that they should sums— 3000 be one payment as you appear by your letter of the 24 of April 1791 to think possible. I have not on examination found any additional light. If none...
I have lately received a line from you. I had been apprised of the machination to cheat us into Mr Burr but I have no apprehension of its success. My chief fear is that the attachment of our Eastern friends to Mr. Adams may prevent their voting for Pinckney likewise, & that some irregularity or accident may deprive us of Adams & let in Jefferson. Judge Tichener in passing through informed me...
Letter not found: to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 20 Feb. 1787. In the Collector, September-October 1956, GW is quoted as writing: “The Post of this day, brought similar information of yours.” Goodspeed’s catalog (1918), no. 125, item 2761, indicates that GW referred to Henry Knox and is quoted as having written: “the gentleman at whose house I am.” The “gentleman” is identified as “Mr. Fendal.” GW and...
You are to proceed without delay to form a Magazine of Provisions at Pittsburgh for Twelve hundred Men for four Months. I could wish to have the Magazine compleated by the first of May next or, if possible, before that time. I am Sir Your most Obedt Servt LB , CtHi : Jeremiah Wadsworth Papers; LB , PHi : Chaloner & White Papers; Df , DLC:GW ; two copies, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The
As the Stores at the head of Elke will by the removal of the Troops under Genl Smallwoods Command have no other protection than such as may be afforded by the Militia in that neighborhood—you are to have all the magazines of your Department transported without loss of time to the most convenient place for the purposes of the Army. I am &c. Df , in John Laurens’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick...
I have received your favor of the 19th and have accepted the service of the Portland federal volunteers & written to the Secretary at War to send them their commissions without loss of time. With great esteem and regard I have the / honor to be Sir your most obedient & / humble servant MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.