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Results 131581-131610 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
With a view to forward as much as possible the preparations which must necessarily be made in the...
New York, April 21, 1803. States: “Your letter of the 2d instant found me in the midst of a...
At the earnest solicitation of several Gentlemen in this District, whose attachment to the...
The inclosed letter must plead my apology for troubling you—I know Mr. Fitzpatrick to be a good,...
The act of Congress 1789. c. 9. assumes on the General government the maintenance & repair of all...
In some of the delightful conversations with you, in the evenings of 1798. 99. which served as an...
Syllabus of an Estimate of the merit of the doctrines of Jesus, compared with those of others. In...
Your letters of the 19, & 20 inst. the first communicating the orders of His Catholic Majesty for...
Your’s of the 12th. was recieved in due time, and I had immediately a consultation with mr G . on...
Mr. Eaton, who has resided at Tunis for some time past, in the character of our Consul, having...
Since my return to this place I have been in the daily expectation that the stage of the day...
Your’s of the 14th. is recieved, and every thing you have done in the affair therein mentioned...
23 April 1803, Department of State. Asks that the enclosed packet for Livingston and Monroe,...
23 April 1803, London. No. 92. Refers to his dispatch no. 87 [25 Mar. 1803] , which mentioned the...
A promise to a friend sometime ago, executed but lately, has placed my religious creed on paper....
In obedience to your pleasure made known to me a short time since by Mr Cutts of the US....
Your letter for mr Lenthall was recieved last night & will be delivered this morning. thinking...
I have not been able to hear any thing of you since Mar. 7. till two or three days ago, Lieutt....
I have been frequently flatterd with the expectation of seeing you at Annapolis or West River, &...
Your friendly letter of Mar. 12. was recieved in due time and with a due sense of it’s value. I...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of mr and mrs Smith —to dine with him on Tuesday next (26th.)...
Your’s of the 14th. came to hand last night, and I am glad it was written before mine of the...
Will you be so good as to procure from old mr Collins or any other faithful seedsman 1. gallon of...
I have been gratified by the reading of the abstract of those Ethical and religious doctrines,...
I have heard that you have left Philadelphia, and altho’ it was not said for what place, yet I...
At the request of our mutual Friend Mr van der Kemp, I have inclosed to you his learned Memoir,...
25 April 1803, Havana. The French sloop of war Diligence left Havana “this Morning” for New...
25 April 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of the commission appointing him consul to St....
25 April 1803, Smyrna. Last wrote from London on 28 Oct. 1802 . Now informs JM of his safe...
By the Ship Aspansia just about to d epart for New York I have only time to say that, t he Sloop...