James Madison Papers

James Madison to Cuyler Staats, 12 February 1830

Montpr Feby 12. [1830]

Dr. Sir

Your letter of Jany. 14. 1830 was not recd. till yesterday, with the Richmond, postmark of Feby. 8th.

Your preceding letter with the volume accompanying it was recd. at Richmond, where my duties as a member of the Convention, did not prevent me to give the due attention to your favor. And on my departure from Richd. I was obliged to leave the articles with sundry other similar communications which I could as little attend to, for a conveyance which the state of the Roads & weather have so far prevented. I can only therefore thank you for the "Tribute to DeWitt Clinton," whose distinguished talents and public services, well merit the tributes paid to them.

Had this explanation of the delay which has disappointed you not been a propos I should not be witht. a plea in my very advanced age, now approaching the 80th year which renders it often impossible to satisfy all the claims of friendship or favor, from those who are not sufficiently aware of that obstacle. With friendly respect

J. M.

Draft (DLC).

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