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Results 1311-1340 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1311 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 16 February 1830 1830-02-16 I return the paper enclosed in yours of the 6th I have found in it the proofs of ability for such...
1312 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to [Nicholas P. Trist], 15 February 1830 1830-02-15 I have recd your favours of and have looked over the remarks enclosed in them, meant as an...
1313 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 14 February 1830 1830-02-14 I have the pleasure to inclose you the letters of Messrs. Brown & Long, which you were so...
1314 Madison, James Staats, Cuyler James Madison to Cuyler Staats, 12 February 1830 1830-02-12 Your letter of Jany. 14. 1830 was not recd. till yesterday, with the Richmond, postmark of Feby....
1315 Madison, James Newman, James James Madison and Dolley P. Madison: Indenture for Sale … 1830-02-12 This Indenture made this twelfth day of February A. D. 1830, between James Madison of the county...
1316 Monroe, James Madison, James [James Monroe] to James Madison, 8 February 1830 1830-02-08 I have recd. yours of the 30th Jany. communicating the decision of Mr Lomax, to accept the office...
1317 Nevil, Fayette Madison, James Fayette Nevil and Others to James Madison, 8 February … 1830-02-08 In announcing to you your election as an Honorary Member of the Union Society of Hampden Sidney...
1318 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 7 February 1830 1830-02-07 Your Circular of the 30th ult. came to hand by the last mail, and I hasten to send in my answer...
1319 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James [Nicholas P. Trist] to James Madison, 7 February 1830 1830-02-07 On the subject of all the conversations which it has been my good fortune to enjoy with you, I...
1320 Madison, James Solomon, Haym M. James Madison to Haym M. Solomon, 6 February 1830 1830-02-06 Your letter of the 22d. Ult. has been duly recd. In answer to its enquiries, I am to note that...
1321 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 6 February 1830 1830-02-06 After the dose of Constitutional matter which you have had forced upon you of late, it is not...
1322 Madison, James Sprague, William Buell James Madison to William B. Sprague, 5 February 1830 1830-02-05 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Sprague, returns his thanks for the little pamphlet on the...
1323 Madison, James Grimké, Thomas S. James Madison to Thomas S. Grimké, 3 February 1830 1830-02-03 I recd. the pamphlet with which you lately favd. me whilst the attention due to it was prevented...
1324 Madison, James Lafayette James Madison to Marquis de Lafayette, 1 February 1830 1830-02-01 This late acknowledgment of your letter of Sepr. 20. is the effect of its reaching me at...
1325 Madison, James Van Buren, Martin James Madison to Martin Van Buren, 1 February 1830 1830-02-01 Wishing to give the surest as well as a speedy conveyance of the inclosed letter to Genl....
1326 Clark, Thomas Madison, James Thomas D. Clark to James Madison, 31 January 1830 1830-01-31 Excuse me when I tell you that, I have recived a letter from each of the venerable fathers of our...
1327 Madison, James Breckinridge, James James Madison to James Breckenridge, 30 January 1830 1830-01-30 I have just recd. from Professor Lomax a communication of his final purpose to accept the...
1328 Madison, James Lomax, John Tayloe James Madison to John Tayloe Lomax, 30 January 1830 1830-01-30 I recd last evening your letter of the 25th. and sincerely regret both on acct. of the University...
1329 Madison, James Stout, Barton Z. James Madison to Barton Z. Stout, 30 January 1830 1830-01-30 I have recd the copy of your Horticultural Address politely inclosed to me. And I have read it...
1330 Madison, James Brown, James James Madison to James Brown, 28 January 1830 1830-01-28 Your favor of Novr. 30 was duly recd. at Richmond, whence it would have been acknowledged, but...
1331 Madison, James Duponceau, Peter Stephen James Madison to Peter S. Duponceau, 28 January 1830 1830-01-28 J Madison has recd. the copy of "Essays on American Silk," with which Mr. Duponceau has...
1332 Madison, James Teackle, Littleton Dennis James Madison to Littleton Dennis Teackle, 28 January … 1830-01-28 I have duly recd. with your letter of the 20th. a copy of the "Report on a State’s Bank." Not...
1333 Hinde, Thomas S. Madison, James Thomas S. Hinde to James Madison, 26 January 1830 1830-01-26 It is with much pleasure, I acknowledge the receipt of the New Constitution of my native State. I...
1334 Garrett, Alexander Madison, James Alexander Garrett to James Madison, 25 January 1830 1830-01-25 Above and annexed, I send for your approval, my check on the President & Directors of the...
1335 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 21 January 1830 1830-01-21 Yours of the 19th. is just recd. It was not amiss that you paid Waller’s drafts wch. were due...
1336 Madison, James Gray, William F. James Madison to William F. Gray, 21 January 1830 1830-01-21 If copies of the Lives of Arthur Lee & E. Gerry should be Deposited with you for me, Be so good...
1337 Madison, James Monroe, James James Madison to James Monroe, 21 January 1830 1830-01-21 The Nat. Intelligr. of the 19th. gave us the pleasure of finding that you had arrived at...
1338 Teackle, Littleton Dennis Madison, James Littleton Dennis Teackle to James Madison, 20 January … 1830-01-20 I take the liberty of transmitting to you a report on a proposition to establish a financial bank...
1339 Preston, Francis Madison, James Francis Preston to James Madison, 17 January 1830 1830-01-17 Yesterday morning Mr McCrea died greatly regretted, he was perfectly resigned and entirely...
1340 Payne, G. Woodson Madison, James G. Woodson Payne to James Madison, 16 January 1830 1830-01-16 I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you but as you Marrid a near Relation of...