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Results 131-160 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
While You are Honorably Engaged in patriotic Concerns for which my feelings Have not Ceased, during Six and thirty Years, to be truly American, I don’t Like to intrude on Your time With observations Relative to My private affairs. Yet the Correspondance is Now So Uncertain that I will not miss a Good opportunity to trouble you with a few Selfish Lines. I am much pleased to preface them with...
I this moment only receive your letter of the 17th. Mine by this mail renders nothing more necessary in answer to it. I understand Mr. Crawford is so far recovered that he hopes to be on the road for Washington in a few days. His weakness I presume will make his journey very slow. Sending this with some other letters by an extra messenger who will hardly reach the P. Office in time I add only...
Th: Jefferson is sorry to present a long letter to the President to be read at so busy a moment: but the view which it presents of our commercial matters in France is too interesting to be unknown to the President.—The circumstances presented to view in the 2d. page of the letter induce Th: J. to think it may be well to commit to Mr. Short and the M. de la Fayette to press our settlement with...
The House of Representatives have passed the bill sent from the Senate for concurrence, entitled “An act concerning consuls and vice-consuls,” with amendments, in which amendments they desire the concurrence of the Senate. They have passed the bill, entitled “An act in addition to an act, entitled ’An act for establishing the salaries of the executive officers of government, with their...
Suffer me Sir to tender You my gratefull acknowledgments for the friendly attention You bestowd. on my application at the War-Office, a favour that no time shall erase from my Memory & that no improper action or Sentiment shall disgrace. I have ever held the Savage character of the Soldier of fortune or ambition in detestation & equally dispised the slothfull wretch who wishd. to be uselessly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the hands of Mr. Paradise I have receivd a copy of the instructions for the Protection of Captn. Cooke which you circulated among the Armd Vessels of your Friends in N America. I perus’d the paper with the Greatest pleasure for having never doubted my self that the liberal & enlargd sentiments I had always admird in your mind remaind there in full...
It is my intention that there shall be ten common Drums to a Regiment— There will then remain for the Band the two Chief Musicians and ten other Musicians— Each of the Chief Musicians may have an Octave flute or a hautboy—and there should be besides Four Clarinets Two bassoons Two French horns A Cymball A Double Drum— ( Df , in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have writen written to you about six weeks ago to inform you that I would want my money the 20th of March in which I earnestly solicted solicited as an answer by return of post and not hearing from you since am obligated to trouble you again I assure Sir If I had any other source to supply my wants at present I would not call on you at present your compliance will ever oblige— RC ( MHi
I have the honor to inform you, that a letter, of which a copy is enclosed, has come to my hands from the Loan officer of North Carolina, since the date of my last letter. On considering minutely the course of the business of the new Loans and the future operations of the Treasury, as they will affect the public stocks, it appeared necessary to the prevention of frauds by Counterfeiters and...
Since I had the honor of addressing Congress this Morning by post, I received a Letter from Brigadier General Maxwell, requesting me to accept his resignation and assigning his reasons for the same. Having never acted on an application of this sort from an Officer of his rank, I beg leave to lay the matter before Congress & to transmit them a Copy of his Letter, by which they will be more...
Since my last respects, I have received a Letter from Mr. Hackley from Algexiras, in answer to my offers of assisting him & family, in which he does not mention a word of having instructions respecting the Union with me; as I took the liberty proposing last year to Your Excelly. I am fearfull it will not take place as he has united with Mr. Meade, who has lately forced me to attack him before...
Since I had this honor on the 11th. April—several Changes have taken place, which I hope you may not find it improper that I state to You. Prusia has desired the Danes to leave Hamburg, which they are preparing to do. The Navigation of the Elbe is become free to all flags (English not excepted) in consequence of the British allowing the Greenland Shipping of Holstein to depart with passports &...
Your Coffee and Corks went by a Waggon on tuesday last, to Charlottesville, care M r Raphael, the Wine is double cased, & ready for the first trusty Boat— MHi .
I am favd with yours of the 22d 23d and 24th instants. I cannot conceive what transports those can be that have come into Newport Harbour, except they are those from Hallifax. None have lately gone from New york—It will be very material to know with certainty from whence they came and whether they had any troops on board. If they are those from Hallifax, and empty, it gives weight to an...
I have the Honour to transmit the enclosed Resolves, in Obedience to the Commands of Congress. They are so explicit, that I shall only request your Attention to them. You will percieve from the Vote of Congress, the Sense of that Body with Regard to the Necessity of furnishing the Troops for the new Army, as soon as possible; a Copy of which, I have forwarded to the respective States agreeably...
The very respectful, affectionate, and obliging address, which has been presented to me by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, by your order, has awakened all my sensibility, and demands my most grateful acknowledgments. As the various testimonials of the approbation and affection of my fellow-citizens of Massachusetts, which have been indulged to me from...
I recieved your letter of the 21st ulmo a few days ago, but deferred answering it, ‘till I could again see Mr Bayly, & Mr [Daniel] Carroll of Duddington, my informants respecting Coll Mercer’s speech —Inclosed, I send you Mr Bayly’s certificate of what passed—Mr Carroll tho’ he agrees with Mr Bayly, that Coll Mercer expressed himself as stated, has I know not for what reasons declined sending...
Whereas the Constitution of the United States of America provides that the President may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses of Congress; and whereas an extraordinary occasion exists for convening Congress, and divers great and weighty matters claim their consideration, I have therefore thought it necessary to convene, and I do by these presents convene the Congress of the United...
I mentioned in my last that our Senators were chosen—This common wealth has been divided into Eight districts each having a right to chuse one representative to the general Government. Each town was directed to return the name of two persons for electors of President & vice President from the two highest in each district the General court are to chuse one this will make Eight and two are to be...
Although your favour of March 28th accompanying the " History of the Bank " has been so long on hand, the continued inroads on my health, have not permitted me even yet to do more than glance at the Contents of the volume. From that I perceive that it comprizes information which must be extensively acceptable; particuarly to those engaged in political & historical researches. I sincerly wish...
I return herewith the letters from Vanderhorst, & Bernabeu. It would have been better if Lowry had more carefully concealed his destination. The case of the Spanish Goods landed from the French privateer, must be decided by the result of the judicial enquiry into the character of the latter. If equipped from our jurisdiction, the capture gives a claim to restitution. If not so equipped, the...
152[Diary entry: 28 August 1773] (Washington Papers)
28. Warm again, with very little Wind and that Southerly.
Boston, 20 Jan. 1793 . In accordance with the Consular Act, he submits the names of John Coffin Jones and Christopher Gore, Esqrs., Joseph Russell, Jr., merchant, and John Joy, Jr., gentleman, all of Boston, as sureties for his bond, and asks for instructions relating to the care of shipwrecked, sick, or captive mariners, as well as on any other matters TJ may deem fit. The daily allowance...
I have this moment received your letter af the 29th Ulo. relative to the transfer back to your office of the business under the 5th Section of the act of the 8th day of May 1792 making alterations in the Treasury & War Departments. I have verbally apprized Mr. Francis of the part of the letter which relates to him and shall write to him also. I shall likewise apprize the agents throughout the...
J’ai reçu la lettre dont vous m’avés honore le 5. de ce mois par laquelle vous me damandés si la velocité de la marche dans la tactique françoise n’augmente pas la longueur du pas. Dans les instructions provisoires de 1776. 1778 –1786. de l’infanterie les officiers differoient sur la velocité de la marche dans certaines circonstances. Mais la longueur du pas à toujours été fixée à 2. pieds...
I have duly received your favors of May 29. & July 11. & with this last a copy of your constitution with the new augmentations. Our usages not permitting me to present it formally to the Legislature of the Nation, I have deposited it in their library where all it’s Members will have an opportunity of profiting of it’s truths, and it will be, as you desire, in a depot beyond the reach of...
I have received your letter wherein you mention that the arrears of interest due from the United states to M. de Fleury have been attached in your hands on my behalf. I beg leave to observe to you that it is only five hundred and seven livres, part thereof, which I paid on his order to M. de la Vallette, and which it is necessary for you to stop. All over that sum, you will be pleased to pay...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd. the inclosed from Capt. Collis who is a prisoner in England, you will see by it an account of his Misfortune and desires of Assistance, which I should be happy to be the Instrument of affording him. It is perhaps needless to tell you that Capt. Collis is the Husband of Jenny Mecom. I also inclose another Letter which by the address I...
I have been duly honored with your letter of the 16th. I am much obliged to the Council for the loan of the Arms, and am persuaded they have spared all that were in their power. I believe they have been misinformed about the number of Arms at Springfield—By the last return there were two thousand muskets capable of repair, and about sixteen thousand Gun barrels, which being mounted would be...
The Comptroller of the Treasury has reported to me that “On examining the subsisting contracts between the United States and the Government of France and the Farmers General and a comparison thereof with the foreign accounts and documents transmitted to the Treasury the following facts appear. That, previous to the Treaty of February 1778, the sum of Three millions of livres had been advanced...