To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803
From Vincent Gray, 8 March 1803
Havana 8h. Mar. 1803
The vessel by which this goes, having been detained a few minutes longer than was expected, gave me an oppertunity ⟨of⟩ calling at the General Post ⟨O⟩ffice to make some enquiries ⟨r⟩especting the mails due, and the arrival of the Packet, ⟨w⟩hen was confirmed what I ⟨h⟩ave before Stated, and I ⟨th⟩en was further informed that the Governor had recd. as Cap General ⟨or⟩ders to give up Louisiana to the French ⟨im⟩mediately, and that the late Governor, Casacalvo was to proceed to that place immediately, to see that the order was carried into execution. I am Sir in haste Yr. Mo. Ob Serv.
Vincent Gray
The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional annotation and source information.