Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 10 February 1803

From John Barnes

Geo: Town 10th: Feby 1803.


I have already packed the undermentioned viz. Coffee—powdered & loaf Sugar. tea Pearl Barley and Rice.—not a Cask of good Philada porter to be had! I have therefore—⅌ last nights Mail—forwarded Money & order to my Correspondent Mr Ladd at Alexandria for 8 Casks 3 doz each, of Mr Hares best, as well 25. ℔ Jamesons Crackers to be ready to put on Board, Mr Sprogalls Vessel when called for—in a day or two—and should you wish for any Other Article—to Morrow or Saturday will be in time for this favblr: Opportunity.

I am Sir mst Respectfully your very Obedt:

John Barnes

I have by me fresh Muscatile Raisins, Olives, Capers Anchovies best Sweet Oil & fine Spices.

 flour Cask, Containing
loaf Sugar, Coffee, & tea in Cannister well secured
Also, your large tin Scale—at Bottom of Cask—
large Keg 114. ℔ white Sugar, the only one to be met with here—
Small Keg. 25. ℔ Clean Rice
   and 10. ℔ Pearl Barley well secured in treble stout paper—

NB. if any packages with you, they may be sent directly on board at Mr Lears Wharf. those with me will not be sent before Saturday—in Case any other should Offer—and one porterage will suffice

RC (ViU); at foot of first page: “The President UStates”; endorsed by TJ:

“forwarded to Monticello Feb. 1803.
 1. flour cask. loaf sugar. coffee. tea. steelyard scales
 1. large keg. 114 ℔ sugar
 1. small do. rice. barley.”

Alexandria merchant John G. ladd had previously received and forwarded articles for TJ (Vol. 35:734, 740, 746).

hares best: the popular porter manufactured by Philadelphia brewer Robert Hare since the 1770s included George Washington among its consumers (Edgar Fahs Smith, The Life of Robert Hare, An American Chemist, (1781–1858) [Philadelphia, 1917], 3; Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser, 17 Apr. 1802; Georgetown, D.C., Olio, 5 Aug. 1802; Washington, Papers description begins W. W. Abbot, Dorothy Twohig, Philander D. Chase, Theodore J. Crackel, Edward C. Lengel, and others, eds., The Papers of George Washington, Charlottesville, 1983- , 56 vols. Confed. Ser., 1992-97, 6 vols. Pres. Ser., 1987- , 16 vols. Ret. Ser., 1998-99, 4 vols. Rev. War Ser., 1985- , 20 vols. description ends , Confed. Ser., 6:387, 442; Pres. Ser., 6:44, 606–7, 635).

jamesons crackers: probably a product of Andrew Jamieson’s biscuit bakery in Alexandria (T. Michael Miller, comp., Artisans and Merchants of Alexandria, Virginia, 1780–1820, 2 vols. [Bowie, Md., 1991–92], 1:232).

mr sprogalls vessel: Thomas Y. Sprogell’s schooner Dolphin (Washington Federalist, 7 July 1802, 11 Feb. 1803; Vol. 38:53–4; TJ to George Jefferson, 18 Feb. 1803).

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