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Results 130891-130920 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
My last of the 7th. Instant communicated to you the very disagreeable intelligence that Messrs....
I had the pleasure to address you under date of the 31st. January ⅌ the Brig Drake, Captain...
Will you be good enough to let me see the recommendations for the enclosed nominations ? If my...
Dr. Alexander Hamilton Esquire in acct. with John McComb Junr. Cr 1802 To amt. for finishing...
In a Letter written you the 11 Ult. by the post, in answer to the one I had the pleasure of rec g...
This Letter will be delivered to you by my Son W m ., whom agreable to President Dwights...
The Secretary of State to whom was referred on the 17th ult, the petition of William Wilson, John...
10 February 1803, London. The writers have not heard from JM since their letter of 7 Jan. , a...
10 February 1803, Lisbon. “We … Subjoin a Copy of what we had the Honor of writing to you on the...
10 February 1803, Washington. After examining the case JM forwarded on 9 Feb. respecting the...
I have already packed the undermentioned viz. Coffee—powdered & loaf Sugar. tea Pearl Barley and...
The States of Kentucky, Georgia, & Tennissee, having been for some time impressed with a belief,...
I take the freedom to Adress thee as Sutch being pleased with thy Government I Rote thee A few...
From the want of time your last letter received a few days before I left Richmond was not...
I inclose you Crowninshield’s and Gibaut’s letters recommending Stevens & Storer . Storer was...
After two months session I have got home & hope you have received the Cyder, which Mr Taylor...
Expecting that the Office of District Judge for the New-Hampshire District will soon be vacant,...
Sy. War . Wafford’s settlemt . qu. if Indns. wd accept rent? instruct Meigs to bring settlemt. of...
11 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 112. Has had no letters from JM since his dispatch no. 111 [not...
I have not been honord with any of yours since my last Communication No. 111 to which please be...
I have recieved your letter of January 18. and observe the dissatisfaction you express at the...
It is believed, generally, that John M. Gantt , one of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy for this...
Desirous of improving and perpetuating, by every arrangement calculated for mutual advantage, the...
Last Evening I was honor’d with The Presidents favor of the 6th. inst— The business therein...
Letter not found. 12 February 1803. Mentioned, with the following extract, in Kingston to John...
Honoured Sir I wish to inform your Excellency of the Cruell intreatment which I Have Met with in...
I have recieved your letter of January 18th. wherein you suppose that in my former answer to you...
No one can more seriously regret the Existance of a necessaty for this intrusion than I do; But...
13 February 1803, Philadelphia. The house of Coxe and Frazier, in which he was formerly engaged,...
13 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 113. Refers to his last dispatch, no. 112 [11 Feb. 1803] , which...