Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 8 February 1803

To George Jefferson

Washington Feb. 8. 1803.

Dear Sir

I now inclose you eleven hundred and seventy dollars, and shall this day draw on you in favor of

Colo. Charles L. Lewis for  200.
Lilburne Lewis  400.
Christopher Smith  400.
Charles Smith   66.671
Joseph Moran   98.

I expect that you have recieved for me some nail rod from Jones & Howell Phila.

4. casks of cyder from Colo. Newton, Norfolk
2. hhds of wine from Smith & Buchanan, Balt.

and that you will shortly recieve 7½ Cwt bar iron from Jones & Howell and several packages of groceries &c. not yet gone from hence.

all to be forwarded to Monticello. be pleased also to send there by the first safe boatmen a hogshead of molasses. I say safe boatmen, because nothing is so liable to adulteration by them as molasses. the wine should also be confided to trustworthy hands. Accept my affectionate esteem and best wishes.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr. George Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Recorded in SJL with notation “1164.67.”

George Jefferson’s reply has not been found but was recorded in SJL as a letter of 12 Feb. received 17 Feb. with the notation “1170. D. rods. hoops. cyder. molasses.” A letter of 12 Jan. from TJ to lilburne lewis has also not been found. In his financial memoranda, TJ recorded payments to the “Lewises for corn,” to Christopher and Charles smith for the hire of slaves, and Joseph Moran “in full.” A letter of 8 Feb. from TJ to Moran, who had performed stone work at Monticello, has not been found but was recorded in SJL with the notation “98” (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1092; Vol. 38:651–2).

1MS: “166.67.”

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