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Results 130861-130890 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In consequence of your Excellencys directions I am employ’d in looking at and getting the...
Your favour of the 28th Ult: concerning the Office of Geographer, I had the honour to receive...
Desirous of cooperating with the chief Magistrate in his purpose to maintain the respectability...
I have also to sollicit your Pardon my Dear Brother for haveing so long delayd writing you. I...
The Legislature of Virginia chuse their Senators for Congs. as they do their State officers, by...
Inclosed is a petition from American seamen on board the Carnatic Capt. Loring in Jamaica. I pray...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Letter has an appended note by Carlo (Charles) Bellini. Docketed by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Since my Return from Passy I...
I have this instant rec d . a letter from Judge Van Ness of which the following is a Copy— Your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I recieved my lettre Directed to you at Philadelphia back...
I understand from Mrs. Hamilton that you do not expect to return from Newark for several days...
One thousand Militia in addition to four hundred Troops having been deemed necessary to the...
Immediately after you left Albemarle, I was forc’d to go to Loudoun to make some arrangements in...
Mr. Strother Jones proposes setting out in a few days for the Continental Army, where he wishes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I tacke the Freedom to trouble you with a few Lines hoping...
[ Towamencin, Pennsylvania ] October 14, 1777 . Hopes that Smith will be more successful in the...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1082 (April 11–12, 1913),...
130878[Diary entry: 28 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
28. Not much unlike yesterday. Wind in the same Quarter & now & then Raining.
28 May 1805 . “I had yesterday the honor of receiving your letter of day of covering a commission...
The sickness of my Children continues and appearances are at this moment very afflicting. Mrs....
Considering the peculiar and, to me, most unexpected circumstances under which I have now the...
I received a few days since, your kind letter of 11. January, containing the distressful...
You are to go with all Expedition to Gardnerstone upon the River Kenebeck, and without Delay...
The rumours in circulation here, concerning disturbances in Kentucky have excited a very strong...
Parce que je ne suis pas arrivé a Philadelphie et que je ne vous ai pas recrit depuis le pareil...
Your favor of the 12 th is just now come to hand. my written correspondence with Gen l Washington...
I was honored with your favor of the 6th Instant and am happy to find my opinion corroborated by...
I received on the second instant your two letters of the 29th. of October with the inclosures. An...
I have received a report from the director of the mint on the state of the business committed to...
I have received your two letters of the 12th and 16th. The Subscription Book for the...