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Results 130861-130890 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have recd. your letter of Decr. 9. with a copy of Vol. I of the Biographical work in your...
I have the honour of sending to you, a Pamph[l]et, containing Facts and Observations, on the...
At a meeting of a number of Gentlemen friendly to a Bankrupt Act, it was voted that you shd. be...
I recd. a few days ago your favor of the 8th. inclosing a paper signed Phocion. Your own papers...
I received some days ago your letter of the 4th. instant. However favorable my general opinion...
Permit me, though personally a stranger to you, respectfully to solicit your opinion, if I am not...
I have recd your letter of the 12th. inclosing a copy of your Circular one, on the subject of the...
Mr Lawrance & Mr Jones of New York, young gentlemen of merit, well connected there, expressing a...
William Beach Lawrence and John Q. Jones Esquires of New York, are about to travel through...
I have just heard that Mr. Charles Todd, of Kentucky, is returning from the Republic of Columbia,...
I have recd. your letter of Jany. 18. & thank you for the 2 papers containing very interesting...
I have just recd. your letter of the 15th. instant; and I cannot be insensible to the marks of...
I recd. yours of the 16th. some days ago. Particular engagements have prevented an earlier...
To Mr. Madison, long considered the ablest expositor of the principles of the federal...
My neighbor, friend and physician, Doctr. Watkins, being called to Philadelphia, is desirous to...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Wheaton, with thanks for the copy of his “Anniversary...
I have recd & thank you for your little tract on the culture of vines Olives &c. Its practical...
The inclosed letter to mr. Cabell so fully explains it’s object, and the grounds on which your...
I feel very sincerely obliged by your letter of 17th instant, and by the general benignity with...
Accept our particular thanks, for the kind expressions contained in your esteemed favor 24 Jany,...
I had the honour to receive your very obliging Letter of December last, and now request your...
I have just read the 2 last acts of Congress for the future protection of the US Bank which I...
Presuming, on the letter of Introduction, from Governor Randolph, which I had the honor to...
You shall have no cause to complain of a tardy rejoinder to your favour of the 25th Novr. last,...
I have recd your letter of Jany. 21. with a Copy of your address to the Agricultl. Socy. of...
We learn by a letter from Mrs. Cutts with much pleasure that you had ended your journey to...
¶ To an Unidentified Correspondent. Letter not found. 11 February 1821 . Described as a two-page...
I am unacquainted with you; yet an unmeaning ceremony, I believe, to be as disagreeable to you,...
¶ To Henry Baldwin. Letter not found. Ca. 13 February 1821 . Printed facsimile of RC cover sheet,...
Mr Garnett presents his compliments to Mr Madison and begs that he will accept of the Report of...