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Results 130861-130890 of 184,431 sorted by author
By the arrival this Morning of His Britannic Majesty’s Ship St. Christopher Captain John Tancock...
I had the pleasure of addressing you the 13th. Instant and I now beg leave to inform you that Sir...
The Ship Washington James Christie having been detained and sent into this Port for examination...
My last Respects was under date the 1st: Ulto: duplicate of which you have herewith. I am sorry...
On the 22nd December I had the honor of addressing you duplicate of which you have herewith Since...
I have the honor of enclosing a return of American Vessels brought into this Port for...
My last enclosing a Return of Impressed Seamen and of detained Vessels was dated 22nd June. I...
The Appointment of Commercial Agent which I have the honor to hold from the President of the...
The Humble Petition of Thomas Rossell of the City and County of New York respectfully...
LS : National Archives; press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; press copy of copy:...
I do myself the honour of sending you the enclosed Address, hastily composed and delivered at the...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 26th Ultimo on wednesday. I write so soon to allay...
Without place, 27 Feb. 1781 . “Mr. Smith of Loudoun County waits on you with the inclosed...
That you have known me many Years, and while Governor of Virginia, were pleased to entrust to my...
Permit me a poor invalade: who has ever bin faithful to the publick intrest, to thus address our...
§ From Colin and James Ross. 5 June 1806, Fredericksburg. “We have received your favor of the...
4 November 1802, Fredericksburg. “We duly received your favor of the 26th. Ulto. [not found]...
We have received your favor of the 11th. currt. and shall to day write to Richmond respecting the...
We are favor’d with yours of the 16th. inst. and if you will ship your Richmond Tobo to our CRs....
We have received your favors of the 26th. May & the 10th. currt. respecting your Tobo. at...
15 February 1804, Fredericksburg. “Expecting by every arrival to receive Sales of the few Hhds...
As we cannot meet your wishes respecting a purchase of your Tobacco if you will ship it to our...
The writers indisposition prevented us writing you respecting the Seven Hhds Tobo. ship’d to...
We wrote you the 19th. Decr. and are since without being favor’d with any of yours. Your Richmond...
Wanted in a few days a Complete Estimate of all the Cloathing and Military Stores which are to be...
I did not return to Bladensburgh after an absence of 8 or 10 days ’till Monday the 1st. of...
I Have just now time to advise you that my agent in Philadelphia on the 9th. instant forwarded...
Your “Democratic Society” with whatever good ⟨in⟩tentions it may be instituted by some yet I fear...
As you seem to join me in opinion that an Inspection in the Upper Country would be of publick...
I find it will be some time yet before Colo. Davies will have the several Estimates ready and it...