James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Warner Rose, 1 December 1806

Antigua December 1st: 1806.


I have the honor to enclose you a Return of Vessels detained by ⟨His⟩ Majesty’s Cruizers and Private Armed Vessels as also a list of Seamen Impressed who are still onboard His Majesty’s Ships which Vessels have not been into this ⟨Port⟩ so as to have enabled me to get them Released It gives me much gratification in ob⟨serv⟩ing, that the strict orders given by Sir Alexander Cockrane the Admiral on this ⟨Stat⟩ion to the Officers under his Command not to molest any American Seaman has ⟨been⟩ so well observed that I have had but very little difficulty where instances have ⟨occu⟩rred of procuring them enlargement I am sorry it is not in my power to give as Satis⟨facto⟩ry account of the proceedings of the Court of admiralty of this Island and I ⟨hum⟩bly conceive some notice ought to be taken that a Check might be given to the ⟨enor⟩mous Fees which are demanded of the Unfortunate Americans detained in this Port ⟨   ⟩ when Property is libelled the most frivolous pretences are made for the purpose ⟨of p⟩utting it off for further Proof merely to exonerate the Captors from any expence ⟨&⟩ likewise to make the Claimant liable for those extravagant demands. I forwarded ⟨on⟩ the 23rd: August particulars of the Condemnation of Brig Triton Prentiss Mas⟨ter⟩ and duplicate of the same on the 3rd: September You have herewith the particulars of ⟨expe⟩nce attending the Trial of 47 Hhds Molasses which was put off for further Proof for the ⟨   ⟩t of Account Sales which will be sufficient to shew how the Merchants & Underwri⟨ters⟩ are imposed upon and nothing but a representation can possibly put a stop to ⟨the⟩ir illegal demands. I have the Honor to be Sir your Obet: Humble Servant

Joseph Warner Rose

DNA: RG 59—CD—Consular Despatches, Antigua.

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