James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 7 February 1803

From Vincent Gray, 7 February 1803

Hava. 7th. Feby. 1803


The Schooner by which I wrote on the 4th. instant not having sailed as was expected I have Just time by her, to inform you of the return of the Schooner from the Cape, which Sailed for hence late in December last, with the 123,000 Dollars for the Government of that Island.

This arrival will procrastinate the departure of the Frigate for a few days, as she will carry up the balance of the 250,000 Ds. before mentioned.

I have Just returned from the Commissary Generals where I went to learn the News from ⟨t⟩he Cape, but finding Genl. Noaille & Genl. Reno. with him, and that he had not read all his dispat⟨ches⟩, no information Could be obtained of any importance. However, at his request I am to call again when he promises to give me any information that may be interesting to my Self or Government.

He gave me a few Copies of an Arrêté lately passed at the Cape, one of which I now enclose herewith. The others I have Sent to the Collectors of Charleston, Philadelphia, New York & Boston.

Genl. Noailles will I believe Succeed in part, say, one half of what money he asked. I am Sir, Very respectfully Your Mo. Obt. Servt.

Vincent Gray

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