James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Hugh F. Rose, 15 January 1816

From Hugh F. Rose

Charleston, S. C. Jany. 15. 1816.


From the knowledge I have of your philanthropic disposition, and, the acquaintance I know you have with my family, most particularly my late fath⟨er⟩ Colonel Hugh Rose of Amherst virginia1 I have presumed to address you instead of the Secrey War. A few days Since I received orders that carried me from one island to another in this harbor. Not having gotten these in full I supposed from what I saw that they were intended to harrass. I consequently tendered my resignati⟨on⟩ but have this day been made to understand that this order alluded to was given in Consequence of the informality of Lt. Col. Wm. Lindsay.

I wish to continue in Service & believe that every officer under whom I have Served will at least say, that I am assiduo⟨us⟩ humane &c.

Genl. Gaines, I presume will have received my letter of resignation before this will reach Washington. With Sentiments of High esteem Yr. Mo. obt. Srvt

Hugh F. Rose
Hospl. Surgns. mate
U,S, Army

RC (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Rose”). Cover marked “Private.” and postmarked Charleston, 18 Jan. Docketed as received in the War Department 24 Jan. 1816. Rose’s file jacket bears the note: “Tenders resignation Jan 12 accepted to date May 1.”

1Hugh Rose of Amherst County, Virginia, was also the father of Dr. Robert H. Rose, who married JM’s youngest sister, Frances Taylor Madison (Charles Henry Browning, Some “Colonial Dames” of Royal Descent. … [Philadelphia, 1900], 198).

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