Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Hugh Rose, 19 March 1801

From Hugh Rose

Winchester Virga. March 19. 1801

Dear Sir

I flatter myself that your personal acquaintance with my Father and Family will be a sufficient apology for writing to you on the present occasition—At different times I have been in the army three years & Still continue to like a military life, though I confess my low situation is a mortification I am an orderly Serjeant doing the duty of An Officer without the pay—I have written to all my democrat friends to represent my situation to you & to beseech a Commission I coud get letters of recommendation from all the Officers who have Commanded, but think it needless as they are Adamites.

I am D Sir with regard & Esteem your Fre & Humble Servant

Hugh Rose, son
of H Rose of Amhers deceased

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR); endorsed by TJ as received 23 Mch. and so recorded in SJL.


Hugh Rose was the son of Hugh Rose of Amherst County, Virginia. TJ and his family stayed with the elder Rose after their flight from Monticello in 1781. Hugh Rose the younger did not receive a commission during TJ’s administration and later moved to Augusta, Georgia (W. G. Stanard, A Chart of the Ancestors and Descendants of Rev. Robert Rose [Richmond, 1895]; Vol. 4:261; Vol. 23:503).

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