Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Rose, 19 October 1801

From Henry Rose

Alexandria 19th Octr. 1801

Dear Sir

I observe it is stated in the Public Prints, that you have communicated to Doctr. Waterhouse the success of the Vaccine Matter in your family, and having been applyed to by my Medical friends of Kentucky and Tennassee for information on this subject, and for a supply of the infection,—I would be gratified in being informed whether you caused any of those persons who were inoculated with this matter to be exposed to the Variolous infection and the success of the experiment—Also where a supply of the first mentioned infection can be had—With every assurance of the highest respect & esteem I am Your

Obt & very Huml. Sevt.

Henry Rose

RC (ViW); endorsed by TJ as received 21 Oct. and so recorded in SJL.

Public Prints: on 5 Oct., the National Intelligencer, citing a Boston newspaper, reported that “President Jefferson has written to Dr. Waterhouse, that he is inoculating his domestics” with the kinepox and was “encouraging the neighborhood of Monticello to follow his example.”

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