James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 18 December 1820

From James Monroe

Washington Decr 18. 1820

Dear Sir

We have just receivd a letter from Mr Rush of the 20th of october, communicating one from the Spanish ambassador in London to him, of the preceding date, stating that he had been informd confidentially that the Florida treaty had been ratified.1 It does not appear that the information had been imparted to him, from Madrid or London or by whom. It being possible that it might have been receivd from some person at London, & founded on report only, & not true, we have thought it best to say nothing about [it] here. You will therefore receive it in confidence.

I intended to have written you more fully on our affairs here, but am prevented by calls to which we are subject, & must submit to. With affectionate regards of my whole family to Mrs Madison yrs.

James Monroe

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Richard Rush recorded in his 20 Oct. 1820 diary entry: “This morning I receive information from the Spanish Ambassador, of the ratification of the Florida treaty, and forthwith communicate it to my government, sending the dispatch to Liverpool to go by the first ship, for the chance of conveying the information to Washington, before it can arrive direct from Madrid” (Richard Rush, Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, 342).

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