From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, 20 February 1809
Washington Feb. 20. 09.
My dear Ellen
My last letter to you stated the plants which had been sent, & I was in hopes, after you had been enabled to distinguish them, you would have informed me of their respective conditions. but no post has arrived for this week from Milton & consequently no letter from you. in about three weeks I hope to be with you, and then we shall properly be devoted to the garden. what has become of mrs Trist? I have not heard a word about her since I left Monticello. I inclose you a budget of poetry to be distributed accordingly to their address. tell your Papa that the ultimate decision of Congress is as uncertain at this moment as it ever was I rather believe the embargo will be removed on the 4th. of March, & a non-intercourse with France & England & their dependencies be substituted. but it is by no means certain. my affections to him, & kisses to your dear Mama & sisters. all love to yourself.
Th: Jefferson
MHi: Coolidge Collection.