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Results 130831-130860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Enclosures No. 1: 2: 3, are letters which I have receiv’d since my last from Tripoli. No. 3 informs us of the Bashaws great desire to come upon terms which he may suppose to be favorable to us, but from the stile of the letter it is pretty evident that he still expects we will purchase our peace. I am really at a loss how to act for want of knowing the pleasure of government, not having...
130832[Diary entry: 10 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
10. Clear & cool all day with the wind varying from No. Wt. to No. Et. Mery. at 70. Miss Fanny Henley came. Frances (Fanny) Henley (b. 1779) was the eldest child of Martha Washington’s sister Elizabeth and her second husband, Leonard Henley, of James City County. Fanny later became the third wife of Tobias Lear.
I enclose to you commissions for Thomas Burk and Joshua Tennison. They are dated at the periods when these Gentlemen began to render service to the regiment. With great considrn ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Your letter covering a subscription paper to the Central college reached me at our last court. on that day also I received a letter from General Cocke on behalf of the visitors , directed to my self and several other citizens of this county , who were associated with me, empowering us to solicit subscriptions for the benefit of the institution. Five of us out of seven, were at court, and had a...
Accot. of Treasury Bills on Amsterdam Sold by the Bank of the United States & Offices of D & D Monies received Notes remg. unpaid Date of Sale Guilders Purchasers Names Amt of Note Int on do Amount when payble Remarks 1792 April 25 88.053. 1 Matthew McConnell 35,577    931  4 27
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, February 1, 1793. Encloses “for the purpose of submission to the President, a contract between the Superintendent of the light House at Portsmouth in New Hampshire and Titus Salter for six months.” Discusses the terms of the contract. LC , RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives. Joseph Whipple, collector of customs at...
Your favor of Oct. 25. was recieved the day before yesterday. I had always intended to get my mills ensured against fire, but was deterred by information that the mutual insurance co. was in a state of bankruptcy. mr Dawson being here, proposed to have the mills valued, & to keep up the report until I should decide, & promised in the mean time to procure information for me. this you were so...
[ New York, August 2, 1783. On August 14, 1783 , Chaloner wrote to Hamilton: “Your favr of the 2nd. reached me the 12th Instant.” Letter not found. ]
A Copy of a Latin grammar, published by me some time ago accompanies this letter. As it only treats of the first elements of learning, it can be of no use to you; the perusal of it may however, be of some little advantage to your Grandson. Could I in a more suitable manner testify my respect for one, who on account of his many & superiour virtues, is by all deservedly named the Father of his...
Copy: Public Record Office, London The Board of Trade in London recognized that the French were trying to seduce the Iroquois from their British alliance and that the colonies, especially New York, were contributing to the danger by violating treaty engagements with the Indians and ignoring their complaints. Hence the Board wrote the governor of New York, Sept. 18, 1753, directing him to meet...
Constantly afflicted with the gravel, and the gout in my kidnies, the unfortunate fruit of sufferings at Sea, and by a winters journey through Spain, I am not in a condition to undertake a voyage to America at this late season of the year; nor if I were there, should I be able to discharge my official duties. I must therefore pray you, Sir, to accept this my resignation of the office of Chief...
I received your favor dated the 21st Instant & must request that you will exert yourself to fulfill the intention of keeping a body of Troops in the Country where you are posted. Protecting the Inhabitants is one of the ends designed, and preventing supplies and intercourse with the Enemy is the other, this, perhaps with the utmost vigilance cannot be totally effected, But I must intreat you...
Camp in Cambridge, 24 February 1776 . Certifies that David Avery has been chosen chaplain of Paterson’s and Hutchinson’s regiments. The other regiments in Frye’s brigade “are . . . already provided with Chaplins, and returns thereof made to your Excely.” ALS , DLC:GW . David Avery (1746–1818) of Gageborough (now Windsor), Mass., accompanied Col. John Paterson’s regiment to Cambridge as a...
By capt. Swaile, who sailed yesterday for Richmond I sent addressed to Mr. Randolph to the care of Mr. Brown a box containing the following articles for your three house maids. 2. peices of linen. 52. yards 9. pair cotton stockings (3 of them small) 13. yds. cotton in three patterns 36. yards Calimanco. 9. yards muslin. Bob is to have a share of the linen. I had promised to send him a new suit...
18 March 1803, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s 16 Mar. letter [not found]. “The Money Directed to be remited to me by Mr. Munroe, is, I presume, Intended to meet the Discounts on his Notes, in this Bank, as they may be renewed. I have no Claim Against him. Any Sum that you may be pleased to remit me for his Account, Shall be Carried to his Credit, on the Bank Books.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. See Monroe...
To the Republicans of Cecil county, who were convened in Elkton, Feb. 22, 1810. I have received fellow citizens your address of the above date. The period and the circumstances which have called forth this expression of your sentiments, are truly interesting, as well to the character as to the rights of the nation: and it affords satisfaction to find, in the meeting formed by you, a harmony...
On inspection of Captain Eddins Company I found four Musicians attached to it. one of whom is thirteen years of age, One eleven, and another eight. These boys were, as Captain Eddins states, inlisted by him, having, “before hand received permission from the Secretary at War to inlist boys in his Company to learn music and to receive privates’ pay.” In Captain Bishop’s Company there are five...
I feel a real Satisfaction my dear General, in having it once more in my Power to address you without the Restraints that are imposed by Captivity, & to assure you that, neither Absence or Misfortunes have in the smallest Degree abated the Attachment, & Friendship I have so long borne you. I will not wound your Humanity by a Relation of the many Hardships, and unmanly Insults we have sustained...
I have taken the liberty on the part of the A.P. Society to Send by mail Some Blank Certificates for your Signature which you will please return as Soon as Convenient. Mr Joel Barlow & Mr Fulton were elected members at our last meeting I remain with great respect Dr sir Your friend & ob Sert DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Pay, or cause to be paid to the Secretary of State or to his order, the sum of Thirty nine thousand five hundred Dollars, which, in addition to five hundred Dollars furnished to Colo. Humphreys on the 14 of Augt. 1790, will complete the sum of forty thousand Dollars for the third year’s allowance under the Act concerning intercourse with foreign Nations. LC , George Washington Papers, Library...
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Johann Kalb, 8 July 1779. GW wrote Kalb on this date: “Mr Galvan has delivered me your favour of this day.”
[ Bristol, 25 Feb. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 26 Mch. 1787, at Aix-en-Provence. Not found, but see TJ to Jones of 5 Jan. 1787 .]
Proceedings of A Board of General officers held by Order of His Excellency General Washington, Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America; respecting Major Andre Adjutant General of the Brittish Army September 29th 1780 at Tappan in the State of New York. Present Major General Green President Major General Lord Sterling Major Genl St Clair Major General The Marquis de la...
Agreeably to what passed between us I have had an interview with Mr. Auldjo, and I flatter myself, if there is (as I doubt not there will be) as much moderation on the part of Major Peirce as there appears to be on that of Mr. Auldjo, that the affair between them may yet be amicably terminated. But Mr. Auldjo observes, I confess in my opinion with propriety, that he ought to know with some...
130855[Diary entry: 24 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
24. Surveying the vacancy’s of waste Land by Mr. Triplet & straitning the Mill Race. GW had found there was a small parcel of unclaimed land between Harrison’s patent and Dogue Run, and he was now surveying it with the intention of obtaining a grant from Lord Fairfax and thus providing more room along the run to accommodate his new millrace and dams (grant of Lord Fairfax to GW, 4 Mar. 1771,...
Your’s of August I received in this place, that of Nov. 24th. is just now come to hand; the one of October I imagine has miscarried. On receiving the first of these, I proposed to have spoken to the gentleman you mention, as I was then about to return to my own country and had expectations of seeing him. I knew him to be just and good; but I knew at the same time that for some cause or other...
Your letter has given me great pleasure, and so have those of your brother John—they are lively, animating and cheerful, and at the same time judicious and prudent, which to me is of more importance than all the rest. This great nation appears to me to be as well satisfied as so great a nation can be and in their satisfaction I sincerely rejoice. What obligations does this event impose upon...
I am now to acknowledge the Receipt of your Excellencys Favor of the 20th Jany inclosing my Commission, and to beg Pardon for neglecting so long to answer it. which I should have done sooner had the Situation of my Wounds permitted my forming any Judgement when I should be able to take the Field; they have been closed and broke out again, occasioned by some loose Splinters of Bone remaining in...
Your letter of the 7th. was duly received enclosing a draft for 60$ 94/100 which has been applyd agreably to your directions receipts for which are herewith enclosed, I hope you will not fail to give me the execution of all your Baltimore Commissions they will always be undertaken with cheerfulness and executed with fidulity I have the Honour to be with respect Your Obdt. Servt MHi : Coolidge...
I recieved last night your letter of May 14. which was the first intimation I had recieved of any demand for the fire insurance company, altho’ I am now told it has been published lately in some of the Richmond papers. the date of the reciept renders a literal compliance with the requisition of 89. D 80 c to be paid in Richmond on the 1st. of August impracticable nor can I do it earlier than...