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Results 130831-130880 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
130831 Sanderson, Joseph M. Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph M. Sanderson, 9 December … 1820-12-09 I have taken the liberty of sending to your address the first volume of the Biography of the...
130832 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December … 1820-12-10 Yours of Novr. 29. came to hand a few days ago. The letter from T. C. is returned. I had one from...
130833 Gilmer, Francis Walker Madison, James To James Madison from Francis Walker Gilmer, 10 … 1820-12-10 I received some weeks ago from our excellent friend Mr. Corrêa, his farewell to Virginia, and to...
130834 Barbour, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Barbour, 13 December 1820 1820-12-13 Your favorable recommendation of Mr. Coxe has interested me much in his behalf And I have already...
130835 Cummins, Ebenezer H. Madison, James To James Madison from Ebenezer H. Cummins, 13 December … 1820-12-13 I beg leave to address to you an English history of the late war, with a few critical notes by...
130836 Madison, James Gilmer, Francis Walker From James Madison to Francis Walker Gilmer, 18 … 1820-12-18 I have received your favor of the 10th. inclosing the letter from Mr. Correa, for the perusal of...
130837 Mackay & Campbell Madison, James To James Madison from Mackay & Campbell, 18 December … 1820-12-18 Some time since we recd. a letter from Messrs. Maury & Latham dated 30th. Septr. in which we find...
130838 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 18 December 1820 1820-12-18 We have just receivd a letter from Mr Rush of the 20th of october, communicating one from the...
130839 Wood, John H. Madison, James To James Madison from John H. Wood, 22 December 1820 1820-12-22 I am induced from many considerations to address you in a manner which may [be] a surprise; but...
130840 Madison, James Featherstonhaugh, George W. From James Madison to George W. Featherstonhaugh, 23 … 1820-12-23 I received on the 20th. your letter of the 7th. inst. The Agricultura[l] paper to which it...
130841 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 23 December 1820 1820-12-23 The question as to the admission of Missouri into the union, which is still depending, will...
130842 Kelly, Edmond Madison, James To James Madison from Edmond Kelly, 24 December 1820 1820-12-24 My last letter concluded my thoughts on the necessity of creating national manufactories of all...
130843 Madison, James Cummins, Ebenezer H. From James Madison to Ebenezer H. Cummins, 26 December … 1820-12-26 I have recd. Sir your favor of the 13th. with a copy of the American Edition of Baine’s Hist: of...
130844 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 28 December 1820 1820-12-28 I have recd. your two favors of the 18 & 23 inst. The prospect of a favorable issue to the...
130845 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 28 December 1820 1820-12-28 I should have replied sooner to your last favor, but I had hoped to find some of the debates &ca,...
130846 Randolph, Thomas Mann Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Mann Randolph, 28 December … 1820-12-28 My Brother in Law Mr Hackley informs me that he will shortly be in the neighbourhood of your...
130847 Robinson, William Davis Madison, James To James Madison from William Davis Robinson, 28 … 1820-12-28 I take the liberty of sending you by mail a volume of my memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, which...
130848 Madison, James Mackay & Campbell From James Madison to Mackay & Campbell, 29 December … 1820-12-29 I have recd. yours of the 18th. & have delayed the answer a few mails hoping for a letter from...
130849 Madison, James Otis, George Alexander From James Madison to George Alexander Otis, 29 … 1820-12-29 Your letter of the 5th. came safe to hand, with the 2d. vol: of the translation of Botta’s...
130850 Otis, George Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from George Alexander Otis, 4 January … 1821-01-04 I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your respected letter of the 29th Ulto. and to return my...
130851 Wood, John H. Madison, James To James Madison from John H. Wood, 5 January 1821 1821-01-05 Permit me to thank you for your polite and friendly Answer to my letter. My application was...
130852 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 6 January 1821 1821-01-06 Mr. Hackley called on me a few days ago on his way to Washington. I found him very intelligent...
130853 Madison, James Robinson, William Davis From James Madison to William Davis Robinson, 6 January … 1821-01-06 I have recd. your favor of Decr. 28. accompanied by a Copy of your “Memoirs of the Mexican...
130854 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 7 January 1821 1821-01-07 In The inclosed you will see the ground on which I forward it for your perusal. In the late views...
130855 Madison, James Mackay, Robert From James Madison to Robert Mackay, 7 January 1821 1821-01-07 An accident to the Saw of my Sawmill requires a new one immediately, the season being now...
130856 Barbour, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Barbour, 8 January 1821 1821-01-08 I understood when at your house that you were in want of a good riding horse. In consequence when...
130857 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 8 January 1821 1821-01-08 I have heard of a collection of the debates in Congress between 1790 and 1800, which are to be...
130858 Stevenson, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Stevenson, 8 January 1821 1821-01-08 Your favor of the 10 ulto I recd in the course of the mail, & owe you an apology for not...
130859 Cardell, William S. Madison, James To James Madison from William S. Cardell, 12 January … 1821-01-12 The literary institution on which I before had the honor to address you has become organised with...
130860 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 13 January 1821 1821-01-13 I return you mr. Coxe’s letter without saying I have read it. I made out enough to see that it...
130861 Madison, James Sanderson, Joseph M. From James Madison to Joseph M. Sanderson, 15 January … 1821-01-15 I have recd. your letter of Decr. 9. with a copy of Vol. I of the Biographical work in your...
130862 Chazotte, Peter Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Peter Stephen Chazotte, 15 … 1821-01-15 I have the honour of sending to you, a Pamph[l]et, containing Facts and Observations, on the...
130863 Walter, Lynde Madison, James To James Madison from Lynde Walter and Others, 15 … 1821-01-15 At a meeting of a number of Gentlemen friendly to a Bankrupt Act, it was voted that you shd. be...
130864 Madison, James Coxe, Tench From James Madison to Tench Coxe, 17 January 1821 1821-01-17 I recd. a few days ago your favor of the 8th. inclosing a paper signed Phocion. Your own papers...
130865 Madison, James Otis, George Alexander From James Madison to George Alexander Otis, 17 January … 1821-01-17 I received some days ago your letter of the 4th. instant. However favorable my general opinion...
130866 Parker, Thomas B. Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas B. Parker, 18 January 1821 1821-01-18 Permit me, though personally a stranger to you, respectfully to solicit your opinion, if I am not...
130867 Madison, James Cardell, William S. From James Madison to William S. Cardell, 19 January … 1821-01-19 I have recd your letter of the 12th. inclosing a copy of your Circular one, on the subject of the...
130868 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 19 January 1821 1821-01-19 Mr Lawrance & Mr Jones of New York, young gentlemen of merit, well connected there, expressing a...
130869 Sanford, Nathan Madison, James To James Madison from Nathan Sanford, 19 January 1821 1821-01-19 William Beach Lawrence and John Q. Jones Esquires of New York, are about to travel through...
130870 Thornton, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Thornton, 20 January 1821 1821-01-20 I have just heard that Mr. Charles Todd, of Kentucky, is returning from the Republic of Columbia,...
130871 Madison, James Parker, Thomas B. From James Madison to Thomas B. Parker, 24 January 1821 1821-01-24 I have recd. your letter of Jany. 18. & thank you for the 2 papers containing very interesting...
130872 Madison, James Walter, Lynde From James Madison to Lynde Walter and Others, 24 … 1821-01-24 I have just recd. your letter of the 15th. instant; and I cannot be insensible to the marks of...
130873 Madison, James Chapman, Reynolds From James Madison to Reynolds Chapman, 25 January 1821 1821-01-25 I recd. yours of the 16th. some days ago. Particular engagements have prevented an earlier...
130874 Brown, Ethan A. Madison, James To James Madison from Ethan A. Brown, 26 January 1821 1821-01-26 To Mr. Madison, long considered the ablest expositor of the principles of the federal...
130875 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 28 January 1821 1821-01-28 My neighbor, friend and physician, Doctr. Watkins, being called to Philadelphia, is desirous to...
130876 Madison, James Wheaton, Henry From James Madison to Henry Wheaton, 29 January 1821 1821-01-29 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Wheaton, with thanks for the copy of his “Anniversary...
130877 Madison, James Chazotte, Peter Stephen From James Madison to Peter Stephen Chazotte, 30 … 1821-01-30 I have recd & thank you for your little tract on the culture of vines Olives &c. Its practical...
130878 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 30 January 1821 1821-01-30 The inclosed letter to mr. Cabell so fully explains it’s object, and the grounds on which your...
130879 Otis, George Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from George Alexander Otis, 31 January … 1821-01-31 I feel very sincerely obliged by your letter of 17th instant, and by the general benignity with...
130880 Walter, Lynde Madison, James To James Madison from Lynde Walter and Others, 3 … 1821-02-03 Accept our particular thanks, for the kind expressions contained in your esteemed favor 24 Jany,...