Results 130831-130860 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
130831 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 15 July 1815 1815-07-15 The letter on the preceding page was written at the time of it’s date, but was witheld from the...
130832 Madison, James Vaughan, John From James Madison to John Vaughan, ca. 14 May 1805 1805-05-14 Letter not found. Ca. 14 May [1805] . Cover sheet (PPAmP) addressed to Philadelphia wine merchant...
130833 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 8 February 1815 1815-02-08 Your very friendly letter of Jan. 4. is but just recieved, and I am much gratified by the...
130834 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 22 December 1815 1815-12-22 One of my long and frequent absences at a possession about 100. miles S.W. of this has occasioned...
130835 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 22 June 1808 1808-06-22 Your favor of the 15. has been duly recieved, and I am now to thank you for your kind attention...
130836 Hamilton, Alexander Vaughan, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Vaughan, 8 July 1793 1793-07-08 In reply to your letter of the 6th. Instant, I am to inform you, that the two draughts dated the...
130837 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 6 January 1821 1821-01-06 I have a great desire to send to mr Botta of Paris a copy of his best of all our histories of the...
130838 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John, Dr. From Thomas Jefferson to Dr. John Vaughan, 23 January … 1803-01-23 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments and thanks to Doctr Vaughan for the treatise on fever he...
130839 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 21 March 1789 1789-03-21 I have just now been favored with the receipt of your letter, dated the 10th of Octor last; and...
130840 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 30 November … 1785-11-30 I have been honored with your favor of the 9th —& have received the pamphlet which you were so...
130841 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 5 February … 1785-02-05 I have the honor to inform you that the Chimney piece is arrived, & by the number of Cases (ten)...
130842 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 12 November … 1787-11-12 The letter without date, with which you were pleased to honor me, accompanied by a plan of this...
130843 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 12 September … 1786-09-12 A few days ago I had the honor to receive your favor of the 22d ulto. At the same time that I...
130844 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 20 June 1784 1784-06-20 I have had the honor of your favor of the 1st instant. It gives me pain that you should think it...
130845 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 6 April 1784 1784-04-06 Your favor of the 5th of Feby was long on its way to me. I scarcely knew in what terms to express...
130846 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 14 January … 1784-01-14 The torpid state into which the severity of the season has thrown things—the interruption of the...
130847 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 18 November … 1786-11-18 The obligations you are continually laying me under, are so great that I am quite overwhelmed &...
130848 Washington, George Vaughan, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Vaughan, 25 August … 1791-08-25 At the same time that I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th of may, I must beg...
130849 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, Samuel, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Vaughan, Jr., 27 … 1790-11-27 I feel myself much indebted to Mr. Vaughan your father for the opportunity he has furnished me of...
130850 Franklin, Benjamin Vaughan, Samuel, & Son From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Vaughan & Son, 9 … 1779-11-09 Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour by Mr. Luard and would on your Recommendation...
130851 Jay, John Vaughan, Sarah From John Jay to Sarah Vaughan, 19 July 1794 1794-07-19 Had it not been for an old Rule long confirmed by Habit, of dis pensing ^patching^ Business...
130852 Adams, John Vaughan, William From John Adams to William Vaughan, 13 July 1810 1810-07-13 My Friend Mr Thaddeus Mason Harris who has for many years been Ordained Minister of Dorchester...
130853 Adams, John Vaughan, William From John Adams to William Vaughan, 5 May 1817 1817-05-05 A Reminiscence, as the French phrase it, of Civilities received from you and your Brothers,...
130854 Adams, John Vauguyon, the Duc de La From John Adams to the Duc de La Vauguyon, 28 January … 1783-01-28 I had, the day before yesterday, the pleasure of receiving the letters your Excellency did me the...
130855 Madison, James Vaux, Roberts From James Madison to Roberts Vaux, 20 February 1827 1827-02-20 I thank you, Sir, for the copy of your interesting Discourse before the Historical Society of...
130856 Madison, James Vaux, Roberts From James Madison to Roberts Vaux, 22 June 1827 1827-06-22 J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Vaux, thanks him for the copy of his letter to Mr. Roscoe,...
130857 Madison, James Vaux, Roberts James Madison to Roberts Vaux, 16 March 1833 1833-03-16 J. Madison with his respects to Roberts Vaux, thanks him for the historical Discourse of Mr. M  ...
130858 Jefferson, Thomas Vavasseur, Le From Thomas Jefferson to Le Vavasseur, 23 March 1808 1808-03-23 I am sensible of the extraordinary ingenuity & merit of the work which you offer to the...
130859 Adams, John Veatch, Hezekiah From John Adams to Hezekiah Veatch, 15 June 1798 1798-06-15 Your Resolutions Addressed to the President and Congress of the United States have been presented...
130860 Hamilton, Alexander Vechten, Abraham Van From Alexander Hamilton to Abraham Van Vechten, 22 … 1795-10-22 New York, October 22, 1795. “In a letter by the last Post I mentioned that I should take the...