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Results 130831-130880 of 184,431 sorted by author
Mr. Rose presents his Compliments to Mr. Madison and has the honor to make him his best acknowledgments, for his obliging attention to the subject of his Note of the 19th. instant. He will not fail to profit of the opportunity, which Mr. Madison has had the goodness to procure for him, of being presented to The President of The United States at an Audience of Leave this day at 12 o’Clock. Mr....
Mr. Rose will not fail to do himself the honor of attending Mr. Madison at the Office of State to-morrow (Tuesday) at one o’clock. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
Being deeply impressed with the Sense of His Majesty’s anxiety, that full effect should be given to those views of justice and moderation, by which His Conduct has been regulated thro’ the whole of the unfortunate transaction whence the present differences have arisen; and of the disappointment with which He would learn the frustration of his just and equitable purposes; I have felt it...
Having had the honor to state to You, that I am expressly precluded by my Instructions, from entering upon any negotiation for the Adjustment of the differences arising from the Encounter of His Majesty’s Ship Leopard and the Frigate of the United States the Chesapeake; as long as the the Proclamation of the President of the United States of the 2d. July 1807 shall be in force, I beg leave to...
Mr. Rose begs leave to express to the President his unfeigned sense of his goodness; the work itself has a particular interest, which is much heightened to him by the manner in which it is communicated to him.— MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Mr. Rose begs leave to assure Mr. Madison, that it will be perfectly convenient to him to do himself the honor of waiting upon him at one o’Clock this afternoon at the Office of State. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
Mr. Rose will do himself the honor of waiting upon Mr. Madison at his house at 2 o’clock, this afternoon. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
Mr. Rose will do himself the honor of attending Mr. Madison at his own House this day at 2 o’Clock. He learns with extreme concern the continuance of Mr. Madison’s Indisposition. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
Should it entirely suit Mr. Madison’s Convenience, Mr. Rose would do himself the honor of waiting upon him to-morrow, at whatever hour he may appoint. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
His Britannic Majesty having been pleased to charge me with a Special Mission to The United States of America, I have the honor to notify to you my Arrival, in the Execution of His Majesty’s Commands, and that I am desirous of obtaining an Audience of The President of The United States, for the purpose of delivering to Him His Majesty’s Letter; To Facilitate the accomplishment of it, I beg...
Mr. Rose begs leave to assure Mr. Madison that He shall have great Pleasure in attending him to-morrow (Thursday) at one o’Clock, at the Office of State. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
Your esteemed favour of the 4th, containing the route from this to Charlottville, by Elk & Slate run Churches, is to hand, for which please accept my acknoledgements On Yesterday the Mr Fitzhughs, dined with me, which afforded me an opporty of anticipating you in a wish, that these Gentlemen should understand your true intention in riding Over their grounds, in assuring them, that your only...
It appearing that the Office of Librarian to the United States Library is vacant—at the instance of Doctr Dinmore Editor of the Alexandria Expositor, I beg leave to express to you my opinion of his pretensions to fill that office, and have no hesitation, in saying that his Talents and acquirements as well as his Zeal in in the cause of truth entitle him to your consideration—Accept my highest...
As the season is approaching when the musters of the year must commence, I find it necessary and with reluctance to resign the Commission with which you have honoured me, as Major of the 2d Legion of Militia of this District A consideration the reverse of that which led me to accept it operates with me at present, to which may be added a sterile hope that my aid would contribute, under...
Your esteemed favour of 23d Inst was regularly forwarded, had I been in place to receive it—The Facts stated in answer to my queries, are highly important, and as such shall endeavour to palliate the suffering of our fellow citizens, by forwarding the deductions from the communication, with such other documents as I can collect on the subject, (as early as Dr French of Fredg. will forward me...
Having understood that Coll: C Simms of Alexandria has sent in his Commission as Collector of the revenue for that Port—I take the liberty of presenting myself to your Excellency as a candidate for that Office. If I have waved what may be the usage on occasions of this Kind, that of being represnted by some distinguished pesonage, it has arisen from an impression that you were sufficiently...
I observe it is stated in the Public Prints , that you have communicated to Doctr. Waterhouse the success of the Vaccine Matter in your family, and having been applyed to by my Medical friends of Kentucky and Tennassee for information on this subject, and for a supply of the infection,—I would be gratified in being informed whether you caused any of those persons who were inoculated with this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I reced. Your Obligeing Information Concerning Your Son, I am again to bege the favour of You to be so Good as to Informe me by the Return of the Post if there are Any Gentlemen of Note, belonging to the State of Virginia, at this time in Paris, & if there is, then Names, and Addresse.— Haveing a Very Conciderable Interest in New Jersey, I will do my self...
Herewith you will receive my Affidavit with my Certificate agreeable to your Request in your Favour by Jupiter. If either of them from my Aversion to Prolixity shou’d not contain a due Portion of the Facts which came within my Knowledge, I hope you will not scruple to require my Attendance upon the Assembly, for be assured, that no Person will more readily step forth in Exculpation of injured...
I am really ashamed for having so long delay’d opening the Correspondence which when I saw you I solicited: but many Occurrences, and particularly the Cares of my derangd Affairs have too much absorbd the whole of my Thoughts, the same Cause now I honestly confess in a manner extorts this from me, for, I hate writing, but having so good an Opporty. shou’d have wrote even if nothing but upon...
I flatter myself that your personal acquaintance with my Father and Family will be a sufficient apology for writing to you on the present occasition—At different times I have been in the army three years & Still continue to like a military life, though I confess my low situation is a mortification I am an orderly Serjeant doing the duty of An Officer without the pay—I have written to all my...
From the knowledge I have of your philanthropic disposition, and, the acquaintance I know you have with my family, most particularly my late fath⟨er⟩ Colonel Hugh Rose of Amherst virginia I have presumed to address you instead of the Secrey War. A few days Since I received orders that carried me from one island to another in this harbor. Not having gotten these in full I supposed from what I...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 14 May 1806, Boston. “Having heard of an opportunity direct from this Port to the Island of Antigua which will Sail early the next month and being determined to avail myself of it, I beg leave to communicate it as you may have some orders for me. The Commission as commercial Agent which the President has confer’d on me directs me to render all the Assistance in my...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 15 November 1805, Worcester. “I have taken the earliest opportunity on my arrival in this place from the Island of Antigua of acknowledging the receipt of your Letter dated in April last Original and Duplicate of which has never been received. “I quitted the above Island on the 15th of last Month and on the 17th a Vessel was dispatched after me to Montserrat where I...
In consequence of the Embargo very few Opportunities have offered so as to have enabled me to forward Lists of Impressed Americans on board His Britannic Majesty’s Ships on this station as likewise detained Vessels in this Port. I am happy in observing that the return of Men and Vessels are small compared to the returns heretofore. I must observe that the Governor of Santa Crux and the...
As I have not had the honor of any Commands from you since my Arrival I presume whatever has been done by me and communicated to you in my several Letters has met with the approbation of the President and yourself I wish to refer you to my Letter of 7th March last wherein I solicit a Commission in the usual Form with the Seal of your department affixed appointing me the Agent as your Original...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 20 August 1806, Antigua. “I take the earliest Opportunity to Inform you of my arrival and beg leave to say, that I have entered on the duties of my Office. I waited on Lord Lavington to announce my appointment as Commercial Agent, and I am happy in observing that His Lordship shews every disposition of promoting a good understanding. Several American Vessels from...
I have the honor to enclose you a Return of Vessels detained by His Majesty’s Cruizers and Private Armed Vessels as also a list of Seamen Impressed who are still onboard His Majesty’s Ships which Vessels have not been into this Port so as to have enabled me to get them Released It gives me much gratification in ob serv ing, that the strict orders given by Sir Alexander Cockrane the Admiral on...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 23 August 1806, Antigua. “My last respects was dated the 20th, mentioning my arrival and as a Court of Admiralty was held yesterday I have an Opportunity of informing you of a Trial which took place and the ⟨n⟩ovelty of the case, with the final issue in this place, strikes particularly at the Trade among these Islands and I am fearful the Merchants and Underwriters...
I have the Honor of inclosing you an extract of a letter received this Moment from a very respectable c haracter the Judge of Trinidad that you may see the P roceedings on the Spanish Main as well as to communic ate the News from Cadiz that might not possibly have r eached the United States. I am Sir Your obedient Servant DNA : RG 59—CD—Consular Despatches, Antigua.
By the arrival this Morning of His Britannic Majesty’s Ship St. Christopher Captain John Tancock a report was circulated which gave considerable uneasiness that all American Vessels had been seized at St: Christopher by Captn. Tancock and having discovered that the report was correct I lost no time in addressing him on the Subject copy of which Letter you have herewith as well as his Answer. I...
I had the pleasure of addressing you the 13th. Instant and I now beg leave to inform you that Sir Alexander Cochranes orders, to the different Ships of War are to order off all Americans from the Islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, and two Vessels have Arrived here with their Registers Indorsed one bound to the former the other to the latter Port. For what purpose it is not yet ascertained...
The Ship Washington James Christie having been detained and sent into this Port for examination there appeared the enclosed Letter which was opened by the Registrar of the Court of Admiralty and sent to me by the Advocate General to be forwarded which I now have the Honor to do. I beg leave to observe that the decrees of the French Emperor has not been enforced by the Privateers of Martinique...
My last Respects was under date the 1st: Ulto: duplicate of which you have herewith. I am sorry to observe that since the above period the American Ves sels have been detained and sent into this Port both on their outward and homeward Pas sages , and in several instances not the smallest grounds for the detention. If you will be good enough to refer to the list of detained Vessels you will...
On the 22nd December I had the honor of addressing you duplicate of which you have herewith Since that period the Danish Islands of St. Thomas & Santa Cruz are in the Possession of the British. From the late orders of His Britannic Majesty and the strong rumour of France having declared War against the United States has created much uneasiness in these Islands but Mr Rose’s Mission which is...
I have the honor of enclosing a return of American Vessels brought into this Port for adjudication from January 25th to July 25th as likewise a return of American Seamen detained on board His Majesty’s Ships, as far as I have been able to collect their names. I beg leave to Inform you of the death of the late Lord Lavington Governor of the Leeward Islands on the 1st instant and that William...
My last enclosing a Return of Impressed Seamen and of detained Vessels was dated 22nd June. I have but a few moments to enclose you Copies of Dispatches No. 1 to No. 8 presuming that the Information contained therein might not possibly reach you from London as soon. I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient Servant DNA : RG 59—CD—Consular Despatches, Antigua.
The Appointment of Commercial Agent which I have the honor to hold from the President of the United States, by your Letter of 13th May has, in a great measure answered the purposes for which it was made. Amer ican Seamen have not been so frequently impressed as formerly and when im pres sed have been immediately released, except where I have been too late informed, of the ir situation, and the...
The Humble Petition of Thomas Rossell of the City and County of New York respectfully representeth—that a verdict has been obtained and Judgement given against your Petitioner at a District Court holden in the said City of New York on the Eight day of February last for Four Hundred Dollars with Costs as a fine Incurred for obtaining Twenty Six Jars of Honey from on board the Schooner Betsey...
LS : National Archives; press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; press copy of copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives Je n’ai rien eû de plus pressé monsieur, que de mettre sous Les yeux du Roi la Lettre que Vous m’aves fait L’honneur de m’ecrire ainsi que Le Projêt pour un Traité d’amitié et de Commerce qui L’accompagnoit. Le Roi a appris avec la plus parfaite...
I do myself the honour of sending you the enclosed Address, hastily composed and delivered at the Organisation of an Agricultural Society, in a new County . You have furnished the author with a theme for his eulogium; and have exhibited to Statesmen an example worthy of their imitation, and greatly to the honour of Agriculture. I am, Sir with great respect RC ( MHi ); addressed: “ Thos....
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 26th Ultimo on wednesday. I write so soon to allay the apprehensions of your brother. The Securityship alluded to has entirely escaped the recollection of your Sister and myself. I have hopes that I have obtained the deposition of Mr John Hilliman of Knoxvill⟨e⟩ (as witness to the Bond) that will place the transaction in a proper point of view and...
Without place, 27 Feb. 1781 . “Mr. Smith of Loudoun County waits on you with the inclosed Certificate and prays a Warrant on the Treasury for Payment; but has agreed with me in presence of Col. Brooke not to solicit Payment before the 10th. of April next.” As Smith’s wagon and geer are “perfectly new,” Rose thought it best to purchase them, “reserving the Right of submitting it to your...
That you have known me many Years, and while Governor of Virginia, were pleased to entrust to my management the Office, which I yet hold, is, perhaps, all I dare, or, ought to offer, as an apology for this Letter. Mr. Norton , the bearer, whose distressful situation on account of the long absence, and painful imprisonment of Captain Marchant , his Son in Law, of which the Paper , he has to...
Permit me a poor invalade: who has ever bin faithful to the publick intrest, to thus address our Friend The President of the United States of America. My fathers family wher personally known, to the Honl. Elias Budenot late President of Congress. My father had bin chosen Mayor of the Borough of Elizth. for several years. He was Judge of the County: And Master in Chancery till his Deceas, just...
§ From Colin and James Ross. 5 June 1806, Fredericksburg. “We have received your favor of the 3rd. inst. & agreeable to your request shale [ sic ] charge you $35 and place it to the credit of Mr H Taylor of Kentucky.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p.
4 November 1802, Fredericksburg. “We duly received your favor of the 26th. Ulto. [not found] covering an order on the Inspectors at Byrd’s Warehe. and have since heard from Richmond informing that six Hhds stood on the Books in your name of the annex’d weights. We have given directions to forward the Tobo. to the Orcas bound for London, how soon they are on board shall order insurance, As you...
We have received your favor of the 11th. currt. and shall to day write to Richmond respecting the Hhd. Tobo. your Overseer says is down and which our friend did not take of the books. Not being able to get a Craft to Come fm. Richmond to Tappk. we order’d your Tobacco to Norfolk and hope it is ’ere now on board ship for London. We expect Mr Macon to be in Town soon & shall make him the advance...
We are favor’d with yours of the 16th. inst. and if you will ship your Richmond Tobo to our CRs. address we will advance Ten Pounds Stg. p. Hhd. either in Bills or money, perhaps if so small a sum is wanted by Government the first will answer but for exchange is above par & to make it conformable to the mode adapted by the Bank shall get one of our neighbors to endorse the bill. Yesterday had...
We have received your favors of the 26th. May & the 10th. currt. respecting your Tobo. at Roystons We. The price here is fm. 26/ to 30/ one or two Crops of superior quality has been sold a little higher but on long time. In Richmond the price is various from 33/ to 51/ as the purchaser likes the quality the fair 60 day price there for lists of good weights that have not been ⟨review’d?⟩ we are...