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Results 130831-130880 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my Letter of the nineteenth, Sir, another Point has occurred to me, upon which it seems...
I do not find by President Huntington’s Letter Book that he has forwarded the within Resolve of...
[ Dobbs Ferry, New York ] July 21, 1781 . Requests “particular Care in forwarding the Enclosed.”...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I expect in ten, or fifteen days at fartherst to embark for...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: National Archives, Historical Society of...
Copy: National Archives; L (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania By the Act of the 26th....
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Library of Congress I have now to inform you that...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have not written to you since my Arrival because I had...
130839[Diary entry: 21 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
21st. Wrote to the Count de Grasse in a Cypher of the Count de Rochambeau’s, giving information...
130840General Orders, 21 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Johnson For Picquet Major...
I have the honor to send to your Excellency your Letter for Count de Grasse translated—I have...
I am much obliged by the Favor you have done me in Translating my Letter to Count DeGrasse & for...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 15th Inst. I have no doubt but the...
I was last Evennig favored with yours of the 16th instt—inclosing Copies of two Letters from B....
You will this evening detach a party of 100 men to take post upon the Heights at Fort Lee and...
The inclosed for General Forman is of so much importance that I do not care to trust it to a...
When I request your particular Care of the inclosed, it is necessary that I should inform you in...
Your Excellency will have been informed by the Chevr de la Luzerne of the ardent wishes of these...
I have rec’d yours of the 17th; And wish it was in my power to render your situation more...
I have been honored by your Excellency’s three Letters of the 14th & 17th of this month—with the...
The same Movement which was mentioned in my Letter of the 14th will be made this Evening—you will...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 15th Instant, I have this moment had the honor to receive. Eighty...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 10th instt info r mg, that Congress, upon the...
I have received your Favor of the 19th inst. and have to assure you that I am perfectly satisfied...
I congratulate you upon your having waded through what I may call the mud and mire of your...
The Army will make a Movement this Evening—You will march your Corps on the same route, & in such...
Le Comte de Floridablanca fait bien ses compliments a M r de Jay et a l’honneur de lui faire...
130858Friday 20th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set off from Hunfeld at about 5 o’clock for Gotha where we arriv’d at about 9...
When I looked for your Name among those who form the Representative Body of the people this year...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme je n’ai pas gardé copie des Lettres que j’ai eu...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd yours of the 8th Current in Answer to mine of the 29...
130862[Diary entry: 20 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
20th. Count de Rochambeau having called upon me, in the name of Count de Barras, for a definitive...
130863General Orders, 20 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Brigadier General Glover Lieutenant Colonel Badlam For Picquet Major Clift...
I have recd your favor of the 12th I imagine before this reaches you, the first detachment of...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th inst. I have been honor’d with. I should have been happy...
This letter is not By Any Means directed to the Commander in chief, But to My Most Intimate and...
No Accounts from the North ward, No Letter from Head Quarters—I am utterly a Stranger to Every...
I have received your Excellency’s Favour of the 13th instant, & shall acquaint the horsemen with...
I have been favour’d with yours of last evening; and cou’d wish that the present situation of the...
I do myself the Honor to en close an account of several advances made by me to the Army without...
I have received your Excellencys Letter of the 10th instant, and am very sorry that the Situation...
MS and copy: Library of Congress In volume 23 we published the first section of Alexander Small’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Soit fait ainsi qu’il est requis is my Dear Doctor and Old...
AD : American Philosophical Society In preparation for submitting Alexander Small’s memorandum on...
130875Thursday 19th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set away from Hannau at 4 o’clock A.M. and arriv’d at Hunfeld (which is distant...
In my Letter, Sir, of the Eighteenth, I had the Honour to mention Some Things which lay upon my...
I think your Excellency will not be Surprized to find that I am stil at Amsterdam. Mr. Dana is so...
In a single state, where the sovereign power is exercised by delegation, whether it be a limitted...
Copies: University of Pennsylvania Library, Library of Congress The foregoing are Duplicates of...
130880[Diary entry: 19 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
19th. The Enemys Shipping run down the river, and left the Navigation of it above once more free...