Results 130831-130860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
5 February 1803, Charlottesville. Returns his commission of bankruptcy. Has been consulted as a...
5 February 1803, “ Near Georgetown S: Carolina. ” Being about to tour France and Great Britain,...
5 February 1803, Washington. Understands that the inflammatory articles that have been published...
It is long since I ought to have acknoleged the reciept of your favor congratulating me on my...
I herewith enclose a statement of what I consider as a just, or at lest, an equitable claim on...
I take the liberty of presenting the following statement, as the grounds of what I concider a...
It is long since I ought to have acknoleged your favor of May 20. 1801 which however I did not...
I have to acknolege the reciept of several letters from yourself and mr Short making a friendly...
the following are the Dictionaries of the Encyclopedie Methodique which I possess, and the last...
Mr. Olsen, the Danish minister here, was so kind as to send me some specimens of Hungarian wines...
Be pleased by the first conveyance to Richmond to forward to the address of Messrs. Gibson &...
Coffee 50 lb. 100. lb white powdered sugar 6. loaves loaf do. single refined 6. lb. young hyson....
I recieved by mr Paine the letter of 12th. Fructidor which you were so kind as to write me. I...
Monsr. d’Yrujo, the Spanish minister here, has been so kind as to spare me 200. bottles of...
Colo. Monroe informs me you have not more than two or three pipes of your Brazil Madeira left. I...
Two or three years ago I informed you that mr Divers , a neighbor of mine, who was building a...
The opportunity of sending you a line safely by mr Monroe is so favorable that I cannot...
In returning you my remarks—I hope to enjoy ere long the satisfaction, that, after a Second...
I have the honor to inclose copies of a communication made to me by the Senat⟨ors⟩ from...
7 February 1803, London. No. 13. “I have to communicate to you the very disagreeable intelligence...
7 February 1803, Havana. Has just time to inform JM that the schooner which carried $123,000 to...
7 February 1803, Lisbon. “I have just time to communicate the inclosed which I this moment...
7 February 1803, London. No. 80. “Last Evening (Sunday) I received a Note from Mr. Bird informing...
7 February 1803, Bristol. Last wrote on 25 Sept. by the Cornelia , Captain Bliss. Has since...
Letter not found. 7 February 1803, New York. Acknowledged in Brent to Ramsey, 22 Feb. 1803 (DNA:...
I have to communicate to you the very disagreeable intelligence that Messrs: Bird Savage & Bird...
The Schooner by which I wrote on the 4th. instant not having sailed as was expected I have Just...
I have just time to communicate the inclosed which I this moment Rec’d. & to assure you Sir of my...
My last respects to you were of the 25th. of Septr. ⅌ the Cornelia, Capt. Bliss, since which...
I send you, inclosed, proposals for a work , which shall be published, when money is received to...