John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Anthony Benezet, 5 March 1779

To Anthony Benezet

Pha. 22 Feb.u ^5 March^ 1779—


Agreable to the Request contained in your favor of the 2d Ult. I have perused the Pamphlet you was so obliging as to send me— The Benevolence by which the Author appears to have been influenced, does him Credit—and ’tho I cannot subscribe to all his opinions, many of his Sentiments are liberal and merit Commendation.1

Civil and religious Liberty is a Blessing which I sincerely wish to all mankind; and I hope it will ever be the policy of these States so to extend and secure it to all their Citizens, as that none may have Reason to complain of Partiality or Oppression—

Your favorable Opinion of me, and kind Wishes for my Welfare demand my Acknowledgemt. I am Sir your Friend & Servt

Mr. Anthony Benezet

Dft, marked “answer,” NNC, on verso of Anthony Benezet to JJ, 2 Feb. 1779 (EJ: 5485).

1See Benezet’s letter to JJ of 2 Feb., above.

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