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Results 130801-130830 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
13080122d. (Adams Papers)
The weather has been all day, pretty much the same as it was yesterday, an high wind, with...
As it will be necessary for the passing my accounts at the War Office, that my expenditures for...
130803[Diary entry: 24 March 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 24th. Thermometer at 46 in the morning—56 at Noon and 55 at Night. Wind at No. West in the...
ALS : Haverford College The Chevr. Castiglioni, who will deliver you this Line, is an Italian...
The sloop Hannah, Capt. Curvan goes on public account to Havre to carry public dispatches for Mr....
23 February 1804, Washington. “I am directed by the House of Representatives to transmit you the...
I am just honored with your letter of the 5th. inst. and am truly gratified to learn that my...
Where integrity of motive is apparent it merits indulgence; & will plead for any impropriety...
Answer.     Facts to be questioned or p rov en. pa. 1. 1. they say that under the act of 1764...
Mr Garanger having positively renounced all claims to rank or command in the Corps of artillery,...
[ Philadelphia, March 5, 1794. On March 14, 1794, Bradford wrote to Hamilton : “I have the honor...
In obedience to your Excellencys order I inspected the Invalids in this City on Monday last, of...
[ New London, Connecticut, January 9, 1790. On January 25, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Huntington :...
Project of an answer to the three Belligerent Courts. Answer Mutatis Mutandis. THE courts of...
This I expect you will receive by my collegue General Marshal, who carries with him the last...
This morning has honored me with your most esteemed favors of the 26 th May—for which be pleased...
Agreable to the Request contained in your favor of the 2 d Ult. I have perused the Pamphlet you...
I received your letter of the 10th Inst. dated at the Minisink. The militia who were on service...
Roberts & Jones have just shipped by the schooner Nancy £ 14. bars of bar iron 5 — 0 — 8 11. bars...
130820[1790?] (Adams Papers)
Interest, Corruption, Prejudice, Error, Ignorance. Causes of wrong Judgments. Have not these...
130821Cash Accounts, October 1770 (Washington Papers)
Cash Octr 9— To Cash of Lt Jno. Savage his quota of advance towards Surveying the Soldiers Lands...
Letter not found: from Tobias Lear, 9 Nov. 1797. GW wrote Lear on 10 Nov. : “I have received both...
I have been duly honored with your favor of the 13th inst. and at the same time that I think you...
Distress impelld me lately to write a few lines to you, entreating a little help from your...
The President of the United States has received from their Consul at St. Petersburg, the...
13 August 1812. “At a meeting … held at Greenesborough … for the purpose of addressing the...
Understanding, that by a law passed at the last session of Congress, Pittsburgh, and some other...
I am I believe more than one Letter in your debt; but I feel if possible less inclination than...
13082914th. (Adams Papers)
Gunning all the forenoon. Received this afternoon several Pamphlets, from my Sister. Read the...
L : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur de Sardaigne prie Monsieur Franklin de lui faire...