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Results 130801-130830 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The season for procuring from Europe my annual supplies of books & wines being now come round, I...
Your favor of Mar. 24. was recieved on the 31 st . the acquaintance I had the pleasure of forming...
I thank you for having given me the perusal of the letter herewith returned. Lamentable! to see...
On my arrival here I found your favor of the 8th. instant, and now return you the Diplomas...
I send you for the use of the Philosophical society a copy of my communications to Congress of...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 13th. you very truly state that your suggestion that the...
I received some time ago from you the inclosed paper, but not being certain of the precise point...
I informed you some time ago that I should desire mr Gibson to remit you a sum of about 650.D. to...
Two days after mine of the 8 th your’s of the 3 d came to hand. that will have informed you of...
I am not able to give you any particular account of the paper handed you by mr Lee, as being...
The revolving year brings with it my annual tax on your goodness. I write this day to capt...
I recieved lately from Genl. Wilkinson at St. Louis a package in which the articles in the...
Your letters of May 24. 27. & June 19. have been recieved in due time: and in the last came...
Not to honour Mr Colman, for I know he needs none from me to you; but to gratify myself and bring...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Vaughan and incloses him a copy of a letter he has...
Th: Jefferson presents his thanks to mr Vaughan for the communication of M. Lippi’s pamphlet. it...
Your favors of the 19 th & 20 th instant are both recieved and I thank you for the Prospectus of...
I have heard nothing of any books from M. Lasteyrie for the Philosophical society. Lieutt. Lewis...
I recieved last night your favor of the 25th. covering mr Heineken’s letter & list, & the Rules &...
The only letter I have had the Pleasure of recieving from you is dated the 3 d . of Novemb. last—...
Absences and other avocations have prevented me till now from preparing the catalogue of my wants...
In May or June 1821. you were so kind as to remit for me in mr Girards bills 200.D. to Dodge of...
The German Woman and Boy you were so obliging to purchase for me arrived safe; and I return you...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Vaughan, and finding that the Pragers do not draw...
I have just recieved a letter from mr Dodge which will save you the trouble of answering the...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your favors of Jan. 22. & Feb. 12. with expressions of my deep...
Not to honor Mr Colman, for I know he needs none from me to you: but to gratify myself, and bring...
We have in our employ at the University two Italian sculptors , whom we imported the last spring...
The reciept last night of your favor of the 7th. has enabled me to attempt below a statement of...
My grandson, Th: Jefferson Randolph, the bearer of this letter, on a journey to the North, will...