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Results 130801-130830 of 184,431 sorted by author
Je Suis au désespoire d’avoir oublié de vous remettre Le mémoire que vous avez eu La Complaisance...
Ce jour tant désiré est à la fin arrivé, la paix a couronné vos voeux et les nôtres. Ce fléau si...
New York , 17 June 1776 . “Your Memorialist . . . has been so unhappy as to find, that Complaints...
According to your wish, I take the liberty of writing this in French, but as this language is not...
I am very disappointed that we will not be able to have the honor of seeing you here with us, as...
Selon votre desir je prens la Liberté de vous Envoÿer celle ci en François, mais comme cette...
Je Súis Tres mortifie de ne pouvoir pas avoir L’honneúr de voús voir ici par mi noús; comme voús...
I wich your Ecellency may long live, in good heald allways surroundet with good Friends and no...
I understand sir! that the bill to incorporate a company to work mines and manufacture Metals in...
I was at Mountvernon Some time ago but was disappointed in seeing you. the caus of my tiakning...
29 Jan . [ 1787 ]. Declines TJ’s dinner invitation for the following Friday, because of his prior...
I presume upon your well known partiality to liberal & scientific pursuits, to introduce to your...
It is with particular pleasure that I avail myself of the opportunity afforded me by the...
The honour you conferr’d on me by Your very obliging reception of my Life of Leo X , induces me...
Col. Banister’s, 16 Jan. 1781. Has obtained material for shirts requested by Steuben and is...
Petersburg, 3 Mch. 1781 . “When Brigadeer General Morgan went to the Southern army last fall, he...
I wrote some time ago to Mr. Sollicitor Wood, recommending the Bearer Mr. John Watkins to be an...
[ Williamsburg, before 28 Mch. 1780 . Minute in Board of Trade Journal ( Vi ), under 30 Mch....
Altho’ I have not the honor of being known to you, I take the liberty of addressing you in...
Williamsburg, 22 Mch. 1780 . During the severe winter weather when there was a pressing demand...
Richmond, 12 Feb. 1781. Has obtained “a final settlement” with the auditors but is “in want of...
When we arrived within two miles of Keazle town we learnt with certainty that the Waggon with our...
Your Letters to Mama and myself of the 25th of last month have been received. I am extremely...
I am induced again to call your attention to a subject which has probably escaped your...
Mr. Rose will, in conformity to Mr. Madison’s wish, do himself the honor of waiting upon him at...
Permit me to request, that You will have the goodness to procure for me An Audience of Leave of...
Mr. Rose begs leave to present to the President his best acknowledgments for the Loan of the very...
Mr. Rose will not fail to do himself the honor of waiting upon Mr. Madison at his own house at 2...
If it should be convenient to Mr. Madison, Mr. Rose will do himself the honor of waiting upon him...
Mr. Rose will do himself the honor of waiting upon The President of the United States at dinner...