James Madison to Josiah Quincy, 18 February 1830
Montpellier Feby. 18. 1830
J. Madison has duly received the Copy of the "Report of the Overseers of Harvard University", politely sent him by Mr. Quincy. He cannot return his thanks for the communication without expressing the pleasure afforded him by the instructive & well timed testimony borne by the President to the value of the two ancient Languages & Literatures, as branches of a comprehensive Education.
J. M. offers for Mr. Quincy’s acceptance a copy of the new Constitution lately submitted to the people of Virginia. Many of its features are the result of circumstances peculiar to the State, and of compromizing surrenders of opinion. Whatever be the criticisms to which the plan may be liable, they are fewer than belonged to the superseded Instrument; and will probably be so pronounced by the popular decision to which the appeal is made.
RC (MHi: Josiah Quincy Collection); draft (ViW: Swem Library).