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Results 130791-130800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
1 February 1803, Tunis. Encloses a duplicate copy of his 26 Jan. letter to Commodore Morris with a copy of the protest of the proprietor of the cargo in question. To ensure an interview with Morris and Cathcart and calm the impatience of the bey, he promised to pay the bey’s commercial agent [Hajj Unis ben Unis] two hundred Spanish dollars to permit a vessel the agent had chartered for Smyrna...
1 February 1803, Madrid. Has “this day” received JM’s 25 Oct. , 27 Nov. , and 1 Dec. letters to Pinckney. “The first was by Duplicate, for Captain Eldred has not come forward with the original. Your letter of the 1st. December, is therefore in time to answer its purpose.” As Pinckney wrote from Naples on 2 Jan. that he would arrive by mid-February, will do nothing now regarding the business in...
1 February 1803, Málaga. “I profit of two Vessels on the departure for Philadelphia, and Salem, to acquaint you, that the French Commercial Agent in this place, has Just received Advice, that the Dey of Algiers has declared War against France; This Intelligence is transmitted to him, by his Colleague in Barcelona, where a vessel had arrived with the News, and Despatches for the French...
I have now the honor to annex to a duplicate copy of my letter to Commodore Morris of 26. ult. a copy of the protest of the proprietor of the cargo in question. In order to ensure an interview with the commodore and Mr. Cathcart, and at the same time to calm the impatience of the bey, I have engaged to pay his commercial agent two hundred Spanish dollars to permit a vessel by him chartered for...
I profit of two Vessels on the departure for Philadelphia, and Salem, to acquaint you, that the French Commercial Agent in this place, has Just received Advice, that the Dey of Algiers has declared War against France; This Intelligence is transmitted to him, by his Colleague in Barcelona, where a vessel had arrived with the News, and Despatches for the French Government, which were immediately...
Esteemed friend Thomas Jefferson— having cause to acknowledg thy friendly disposition freedom of access , & excellent Natural Capacity, I have a desire to salute thee in this way—wishing thy increas of Spiritual or Divine Life, which is only to be attained thr’o inward Communion with that which is Divine, as like communicates with its like, & seeing “no Man knoweth the Father but the Son & he...
Genl. Wilkinson, to be appointed Commissioner to treat with the Chocktaws, Creeks, Chickasaws &c— Govr. Harrison to be appointed Commissioner to treat with the Indians Northwest of the Ohio. RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 129:22285); undated; entirely in Dearborn’s hand; endorsed by TJ as received from the War Department on 1 Feb. and “Nominations.” govr. harrison : see TJ to the Senate, 2 Feb.
The Secretary of War has the honor to propose to the President of the United States, that Joseph Doyle of the district of Columbia, and John Miller of the State of Maryland, be respectively appointed Ensigns in the 2d. Regiment of Infantry—That Pallus P. Stuart, of the North Western Territory, and William Lee of the State of Vermont, be respectively appointed Ensigns in the 1st. Regiment of...
Vous trouverez-ci inclus plusieurs exemplaires de mon Catalogue imprimé —J’ai joint au petit pacquet une lettre adressée à Mr. Beckley touchant les livres du Dr. Franklin. Dans le doute ou J’etais si ce Monsieur avoit ses ports francs, j’ai pris la liberté de profiter de votre couvert pour la lui faire passer, avec un Catalogue. L’objet de cette lettre me servira j’espère d’excuse, auprès de...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favors of Aug. 16. and Oct. 4. and the latter I recieved with peculiar satisfaction; because while it holds up terms which cannot be entirely yielded, it proposes such as a mutual spirit of accomodation and sacrifice of opinion, may bring to some point of union. while we were preparing on this subject such modifications of the propositions of your letter...