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Results 130771-130800 of 184,431 sorted by author
I take the freedom to send to you (by mail) two Pamphlets containing an exhibition of reasons...
As I have taken the liberty of using several of your Sentiments, in composing the enclosed...
I take the freedom to send to you (by mail) two Pamphlets containing an exhibition of reasons...
I take the liberty to send to you three pamphlets on the controversy between the late President...
Le Comte de Romanzoff, Chancelier de l’Empire, prie Madame d’Adams de lui faire l’honneur de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Quoique je n’aye pas l’honneur d’etre conüe de Votre...
Mr. Dodge who officiated sometime in the Custom-house Department in this City, I am informed was...
I enclose you, my dear Sir, the letter I mentioned to you last evening that I had recd. from the...
I am now withdrawn to my little country villa, where, tho’ I am more retired from the busy world,...
Suffer me to address you in behalf of the french Settlers at Gallipolis⟨.⟩ we preferred a...
I have the honour, in compliance with the direction of the Managers of the American Bible...
The Managers of the American Bible Society, heard Your Acceptance of the office of a Vice...
Fearfull letters from so many different places may impress you with doubts of the character of...
I was favored with your’s accompanying the wool , on the 21 st ult ; and have delayed answering...
My friend John Wright who has lately returned from Guayakill where he resided nearly two years,...
In the generation that follows the Heroes and statesmen of the Revolution, General Andrew Jackson...
I have taken the liberty of sending you the seeds contained in the annexed list: The circumstance...
With sentiments of respect & esteem, I beg you to accept a bust of Gen l Andrew Jackson , the...
It is with no small degree of reluctance, that I impose on you the trouble of this letter. I am...
Knowing you take a lively interest in all that is goeing forward in the United States , marking...
The patterns of cloth and Yarn I have taken the liberty of sending to you, are all manufactured...
I do not pretend to judge the importance of the enclosed; the object of sending it is to benefit...
To remedy as far as possible the ill consequences arrising out of the late arrival of the seeds I...
I take the liberty of inclosing coppy of a bill now before the Legistlature of Penn y , that may...
I have just received ⅌ the Brilliant from London Cobbets paper of Aug t 8—sent me by M r Beasley...
Being unacquainted with the wool business, and not from my own experience capable of giving an...
ALS : the Royal Society In conformity to the desire of some Friends, I have drawn up the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Ronayne, at the request of Mr. Henly, informs Doctor...
I am sorry that I forgot to return to you the memoir which you had the kindness to lend me when I...
The much-desired day is at last arrived: Peace hath crowned both your Wishes and Ours. The...